Linda Wessel Beaver shares some details about breeding tropical squash for virus resistance in the first CucCAP grant with the Culinary Breeding Network’s Winter Squash Week.
CucCAP Project
Contributions to the CucCAP project by the Bioinformatics Team, Cucurbit Crop Breeding Teams, and the Integrated Disease Management Team.
Winter Squash: background, diversity and breeding
Cornell squash breeder and CucCAP Squash Team leader, Michael Mazarouek discusses the history of breeding winter squash.
CucCAP scientists test new squash breeding lines for performance and resistance to Phytophthora crown and root rot
Researchers at Cornell University developed squash breeding lines with increased resistance to Phytophthora crown and root rot.
Cucurbit crop and disease management information presented at Winter meetings
CucCAP crop and disease management specialists presented cucurbit crop and disease management strategies at winter meetings in several regions of the country.
Meet the CucCAP Cucumber Team
The CucCAP cucumber team is breeding cucumbers for resistance to downy mildew and Phytophthora fruit rot.
The CucCAP Bioinformatics team
The CucCAP Bioinformatics team is led by BTI plant genomics scientist Zhangjun Fei. Team members include Shan Wu who is working to integrate the watermelon pan genome and Jingyin Yu who is redesigning the data base.
CucCAP scientists identify QTL associated with gummy stem blight in watermelon
We identified QTLs associated with gummy stem blight resistance in an interspecific F2:3 Citrullus population and developed marker assays for selection of the loci in watermelon.
Cucurbit virus disease management resources for growers
USDA-ARS plant pathologist, Bill Wintermantel, collaborated with Mississippi State University Extension to publish information about cucurbit viruses including a video presentation, a factsheet and articles for cucurbit producers.