Diagnostic Guide for Cucurbit Downy Mildew by Andres Salcedo, Mary Hausbeck, Stacey Pigg, and Lina M. Quesada-Ocampo Published Online:14 May 2020 DOI: 10.1094/PHP-12-19-0095-DG
CucCAP Disease Management Team
The Disease Management Team contributions to the CucCAP project include English and Spanish factsheets about cucurbit crop and disease management strategies including images of disease symptoms for crop producers, articles about cucurbit plant pathology, and articles about the team’s research efforts and accomplishments.
Cucurbit Downy Mildew Forecasting Resumes for the 2020 growing season
A valuable resource available to cucurbit growers on the CucCAP website is the Cucurbit Downy Mildew ipmPIPE Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education.
CucCAP researchers provide updated disease control information for cucurbit growers
CucCAP Vegetable Pathology and Crop Production Extension Specialists published plant disease management reports and Cucurbit cultigen evaluations from recent field trials. These reports provide valuable information for cucurbit crop producers, seed companies and other CucCAP stakeholders.
2019 Cucurbit Cultigen Evaluations
Vegetable Extension researchers cooperate with extension agents, vegetable seed companies, and others to evaluate cucurbit crops for yield, marketability, and quality including damage from disease.
Phytophthora control is a long-term commitment | VGN
CucCAP Vegetable Pathologist, Mary Hausbeck, discusses Phytophthora susceptiblity in cucumbers, summer squash and zucchini.
Final cucurbit disease forecasts for the 2019 growing season
The MELCAST and ipmPIPE cucurbit disease forecasting tools have discontinued updates for the 2019 growing season.
The CucCAP Extension Team evaluates Pumpkin Varieties
The Schultheis Vegetable Production Lab in the Department of Horticultural Science at NC State University cooperates with extension researchers to evaluate pumpkin cultivars for yield and quality. Seed company representatives joined the Extension researchers in the field for the early September pumpkin harvest.
CucCAP Pathologists Provide Growers with Tools for Cucurbit Disease Management
CucCAP Vegetable Pathologists provide cucurbit producers with techniques for cucurbit disease management and connect growers with research seeking new solutions for cucurbit diseases.