Downy mildew (DM) is an important disease of cucumber and other cucurbits. Many quantitative trait loci (QTL) have been identified from different resistant resources but very few have been fine mapped or cloned. CucCAP researchers in USDA-ARS and the University of Wisconsin Madison reported identification and functional characterization of the candidate gene for the major-effect QTL, dm5.3, for DM resistance from the plant introduction line PI 197088. This gene, which can enhance plant disease signaling, is currently being used to breed for disease resistance in cucumber.
CucCAP Project
Contributions to the CucCAP project by the Bioinformatics Team, Cucurbit Crop Breeding Teams, and the Integrated Disease Management Team.
Cucurbit Genomics Database version 2
Version 2 of the Cucurbit Genomics database (CuGenDBv2) was released in April 2022. Database users will notice improved speed and performance.The updated database includes 33 reference genomes from 26 cucurbit species/subspecies belonging to 10 different genera; novel functions for mining and analysis of large-scale variant data; and a comprehensive cucurbit expression atlas.
Early Career Scientist Spotlight | Jingyin Yu
Jingyin Yu is a post doc in Zhangjun Fei’s lab in the Boyce Thompson Institute at Cornell University in Ithica, N.Y. His research focuses on the development of the cucurbit genomics database and cucumber pangenome analysis.
Early Career Scientist Spotlight | Honghe Sun
Honghe Sun is a graduate student working on a PhD in Dr. Zhangjun Fei’s Lab at Boyce Thompson Institute. The focus of his work is genomics.
CucCAP scientists use genomic approaches to facilitate breeding for PRSV-W resistance in squash
Papaya ringspot virus-W (PRSV-W) causes severe yield losses in squash production. The Meru laboratory at the University of Florida identified a single QTL for resistance on Chromosome 09 of the C. moschata genome. Subsequent testing identified two SNP markers as potential targets for marker-assisted selection. The findings of this study will facilitate breeding for resistance against PRSV-W in commercial squash cultivars.
CucCAP scientist examines economic impacts of reduced fungicide efficacy against downy mildew
Resistance to fungicides is a concern with cucumber downy mildew, Pseudoperonospora cubensis clade 2. These fungicides still suppressed downy mildew well enough that yields of marketable-sized fruit of a susceptible slicing cucumber were much better than not spraying.
Early Career Scientist Spotlight | Libby Indermaur
Libby is identifying which of Michael Mazourek’s Cucurbita moschata and C. maxima breeding lines are: 1) resistant to powdery mildew and 2) candidate replacements for the susceptible cultivars used in the processing industry.
Cucurbit Disease Management Factsheets | MSU
These fact sheets are updated annually and posted on the Hausbeck lab website at Michigan State University.