The CucCAP#1 Cucumber Team published 21 research articles between Sept. 2015 & Sept. 2020.
Wehner Lab @ NC State
Todd C. Wehner led the Cucurbit Breeding Lab at NC State University and was a member of the Cucumber and Watermelon teams during the first CucCAP grant; Luis Rivera-Burgos, (aka. Luchinski Rivera) was a post doctoral candidate in the lab in 2016 and 2017 working on Breeding Watermelon for Gummy Stem Blight Resistance. Emily Silvermen was a Graduate Research Assistant in the Wehner Lab.
Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 42
CucCAP scientists and other researchers authored reports in the 2019 Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative (CGC) report which was published in September 2020.
Cucumber Team | 2020 Progress Report
CucCAP#1 Final Annual Progress Report, July 2020. Team members include Yiqun Weng (USDA, ARS), Rebecca Grumet (Michigan State University), and Todd Wehner (NC State University).
Resource: Advances in breeding of cucumber and watermelon
CucCAP #1 Cucumber Research Publications
CucCAP #1 Watermelon Publications and Presentations
Breeding, Genetics, Genomics, and disease management publications and presentations for watermelon from the CucCAP team.
Better Cucurbit Varieties Coming Soon | VSCNews
CucCAP plant breeder, Todd Wehner talks about breeding cucumber and watermelon varieties for disease resistance.
2018 Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Annual Report
The Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative (CGC) was established in 1977 to develop and advance the genetics of economically important cucurbits. CucCAP Team members have contributed many articles to the Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative throughout the years. Members of the CucCAP Team contributing to CGC report#41 for 2018 include authors Todd Wehner and Jim McCreight along with editors, Amnon Levi and Linda Wessel-Beaver.