2018 Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Annual Report

report booklet cover

“The Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative (CGC) was established in 1977 to develop and advance the genetics of economically important cucurbits. Membership to CGC is voluntary and open to individuals who have an interest in cucurbit genetics and breeding and is similar to many crop genetics cooperatives in that it provides services for researchers interested in the genetics and breeding of a specific plant species, genus or family. These cooperatives serve as an organizational vehicle for scientists to informally communicate the results of their research and development efforts. The cooperative emphasizes the free exchange of information and germplasm among members, both public and private.” CucCAP Team members have contributed many articles to the Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative throughout the years.

Report #41 for 2018 was published in July 2019. Members of the CucCAP Team contributed to this report including authors Todd Wehner and Jim McCreight along with editors, Amnon Levi and Linda Wessel-Beaver. Updated style guidelines for CGC reports were also posted on the Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative website in July 2019. Continue Reading