Cucumber downy mildew (CDM) was confirmed on a cucumber sample from a production field in Wilson County on June 8 of 2020. Leaves presented approximately 20% disease (Figure 1 and 2), and 30% of the field was affected.
Quesada-Ocampo Lab @ NC State
The NC State Vegetable Pathology Lab studies diseases of cucurbit crops to deliver novel and improved disease management strategies to growers in North Carolina and advance knowledge in the field of vegetable pathology.
Diagnostic Guide for Cucurbit Downy Mildew | APS
Diagnostic Guide for Cucurbit Downy Mildew by Andres Salcedo, Mary Hausbeck, Stacey Pigg, and Lina M. Quesada-Ocampo Published Online:14 May 2020 DOI: 10.1094/PHP-12-19-0095-DG
CucCAP researchers provide updated disease control information for cucurbit growers
CucCAP Vegetable Pathology and Crop Production Extension Specialists published plant disease management reports and Cucurbit cultigen evaluations from recent field trials. These reports provide valuable information for cucurbit crop producers, seed companies and other CucCAP stakeholders.
CucCAP #1 Watermelon Publications and Presentations
Breeding, Genetics, Genomics, and disease management publications and presentations for watermelon from the CucCAP team.
Greenhouse Vegetable Production Agent Training 2019
CucCAP Pathologists Provide Growers with Tools for Cucurbit Disease Management
CucCAP Vegetable Pathologists provide cucurbit producers with techniques for cucurbit disease management and connect growers with research seeking new solutions for cucurbit diseases.
On Call with Veggie Doc Lina Quesada-Ocampo | NC State
Lina Quesada is a member of the CucCAP Extension Team and an associate professor in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology at NC State University.
Cucumber downy mildew detected in NC | NC State
Characteristic symptoms include angular, chlorotic lesions on the upper surface of cucurbit leaves and gray sporulation on the underside of the leaves. Sporangiophore structures typical of Pseudoperonospora cubensis, causal agent of CDM, can be observed using a hand lens or under a dissecting microscope.