Cucurbitaceae 2022 brings together international cucurbit community

The Cucurbitaceae 2022 conference was held in Naples, Florida on October 30 – November 2. The conference was organized by CucCAP co-PIs Geoffrey Meru from the University of Florida and Cecilia McGregor from the University of Georgia. Researchers and industry representatives from North America, Europe and Asia shared information about cucurbit genomics, breeding, disease resistance and cultivation. CucCAP researchers presented 28 talks and posters.

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New funding from USDA-SCRI will extend the CucCAP project for four years

“CucCAP2: Harnessing genomic resources for disease resistance and management in cucurbit crops – bringing the tools to the field”, will focus on the development of advanced genomic, bioinformatic and breeding tools; disease resistant materials; disease management strategies and economic analyses for critical diseases threatening cucurbit production.

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