Matthew is evaluating fungicide sensitivity of CDM to single fungicide products and efficacy of forecasters in controlling CDM and spore trapping of P. cubensis using impaction spore traps.
CucCAP Project
Contributions to the CucCAP project by the Bioinformatics Team, Cucurbit Crop Breeding Teams, and the Integrated Disease Management Team.
Emerging Viruses in Cucurbits
A brief overview of emerging viruses in cucurbits with input from breeders, entomologists, and producers on how the cucurbit industry can work together to reduce the introduction and spread of viruses and to limit the impact of these viruses in areas where they are present.
CucCAP scientists map QTL for resistance to downy mildew in melon
CucCAP researchers identified two major and seven minor QTL using a cross between the resistant melon breeding line MR-1 and susceptible cultivar Ananas Yoqne’am.
PDMR 15 – Plant Disease Management Reports for Cucurbits
PDMR, Volume 15, 2021
Results of 2020 field trials, Published in 2021.
Plant Disease Management reports for cucumbers and squash.
Early Career Scientist Spotlight | Andrea P. Landrón García
CucCAP scientist Andrea P. Landrón García’s research is focused on the creation of future resistant lines of squash with resistance to powdery mildew using resistant materials with local materials in Puerto Rico.
CucCAP scientists study effect of genome doubling on gene expression in tetraploid watermelon
Umesh Reddy and team at WVSU and Amnon Levi and team at USDA, ARS used advance genome sequencing technology to study the effect of genome doubling on gene expression in tetraploid watermelon versus their counterpart diploid watermelon parental plants.
Mary Hausbeck discusses oomycetes | GLVPN
CucCAP plant pathologist, Mary Hausbeck joined the July 28, 2021 podcast to talk about a group of pathogens called oomycetes
Downy mildew confirmed in Michigan
Downy mildew has been confirmed on cucumbers in four Michigan counties. CucCAP vegetable pathologist, Mary Hausbeck recommended that cucumber growers take agressive action due to recent humid conditions and presence of cucurbit downy mildew spores.