The annual CucCAP conference was held in Salinas California on March 21 and 22, 2024. Thirty-three co-PIs, lab group members, and industry collaborators attended in person with an additional 26 online to share research results, extension and outreach activities, discuss findings, and share challenges and best approaches for research and extension strategies.
Featured Articles
The CucCAP website features recently published articles from the four crop teams, (Cucumber, Melon, Squash, and Watermelon) and the Bioinformatics, Breeding, & Genomics group. Integtated crop and disease management activities, articles and reports are also featured.
CucCAP scientists identify resistance loci for Fusarium wilt race 2 in wild watermelon
Genome-Wide Association Mapping and Genomic Prediction of Fusarium Wilt Race 2 Resistance in the USDA Citrullus amarus Collection
CucCAP scientists study pathogen resistances to watermelon fungicides
Watermelon is affected several pathogens and pests that are frequently controlled by SDHI compounds. Scientists from North Carolina State University compared the sensitivity of the different pathogens to various SDHIs.
CucCAP researchers identify QTL associated with resistance to Phytophthora fruit rot in cucumber
Phytophthora fruit rot is a major disease impacting pickling cucumber production for which there are no resistant varieties. Genomic approaches were performed on the cucumber core collection leading to identification and verification of several quantitative trait loci associated with resistance. The results from this work can be applied to future disease resistance studies and to assist marker-assisted selection in breeding programs.
CucCAP scientists uncover genetic factors influencing flowering time and fruit yield in watermelon
Scientists at the USDA, ARS, U.S. Vegetable Laboratory in Charleston, SC evaluated the USDA, ARS citron watermelon germplasm collection for flowering time and fruit yield traits under field conditions over two years. They used a “genome-wide association study (GWAS)” to detect genomic regions and molecular (DNA) markers associated with flowering time and fruit yield traits. The new molecular markers will be useful in improving watermelon varieties for early flowering and maturity and yield performance via marker-assisted breeding.
CucCAP scientists evaluate disease forecasting models for downy mildew control in cucumber
Cucurbit downy mildew is a major threat for pickling cucumber production requiring frequent fungicide applications.
CucCAP scientists develop a super-pangenome for watermelon
A super-pangenome was constructed to represent the entire watermelon gene repertoire, uncovering several disease resistance genes that are present in wild watermelons while completely lost in watermelon cultivars.
CucCAP scientists find high prevalence of gummy stem blight resistance to common fungicides
The gummy stem blight fungus, Stagonosporopsis citrulli, is now resistant to fungicides in four chemical classes. The newest resistance is to fungicides in FRAC Code 3.