NC State Cucurbit breeding team: Wehner Lab at NC State Quesada vegetable pathology lab at NC State Allie Druffel is screening watermelon for fusarium resistance. Watermelon Diseases Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus: Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) Downy mildew: Pseudoperonospora cubensis Fusarium wilt Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum (F. oxysporum) Gummy stem blight Didymella […]
Wehner Lab @ NC State
Todd C. Wehner led the Cucurbit Breeding Lab at NC State University and was a member of the Cucumber and Watermelon teams during the first CucCAP grant; Luis Rivera-Burgos, (aka. Luchinski Rivera) was a post doctoral candidate in the lab in 2016 and 2017 working on Breeding Watermelon for Gummy Stem Blight Resistance. Emily Silvermen was a Graduate Research Assistant in the Wehner Lab.
CucCAP Research Studies are under way for 2017
NC State researchers are conducting their greenhouse and lab research for the 2017 growing season. Look for more information soon as the Watermelon breeding and Pathology teams update us with videos of their work. Two members of the NC State research group that you are hearing more about are Allie Druffel and Luis Rivera-Burgos pictured below. […]
2016 Cucumber Variety Evaluations
CucCAP researchers contribute to book on Genomics and Genetics of the Cucurbitaceae
“This book provides an overview of the current state of knowledge of the genetics and genomics of the agriculturally important Cucurbitaceae plant family, which includes crops such as watermelon, melon, cucumber, summer and winter squashes, pumpkins, and gourds. “ Genetics and Genomics of Cucurbitaceae Part of the Plant Genetics and Genomics: Crops and Models book series (PGG, volume […]
NC State Cucurbit Program
Links of Interest NC State Cooperative Extension Cucurbits Site Plant Pathology: Cucurbits The North Carolina Plant Disease and Insect Clinic People Dr. Lina Maria Quesada, Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology, Extension cucurbit specialist Dr. Jonathan R. Schultheis, Professor of Horticultural Science, Extension cucurbit specialist Dr Todd C. Wehner, Professor of Horticultural Science, Cucurbit Breeding Program Leader
Breeding Cucumber for Disease Resistance
Cucumis sativus Cucumber breeding and genetics Downy Mildew Phytophthora fruit rot Cucumber Breeding Team Yiqun Weng,, USDA-ARS , University of Wisconsin – (team leader) Rebecca Grumet, Cucumber breeding and genetics Cucumber, Cucumis sativus var. sativus, was originated in the Southern Asia Continent, where highly diverse wild as well as cultivated forms are […]
NC State Cucumber field day
MSU to lead $6.5 million research on disease resistance in cucurbits | MSU
A national team of 20 scientists led by MSU Horticulture Professor Rebecca Grumet has been awarded $6.5 million grant to accelerate the development of disease-resistant cucurbit crops through leveraging applied genomics. Read More