Progress Reports and Work Plans CucCAP Cucumber Team members; Yiqun Weng (USDA, ARS), Rebecca Grumet (Michigan St. Univ.), and Todd Wehner (North Carolina St. Univ.) reported the progress from each of their labs for 2017. Develop genomic approaches and tools GBS of PI collection, establish GWAS core Personnel: Weng (Wang Y, Tan J, Dymerski R), […]
Grumet Lab @ MSU
Rebecca Grumet: CucCAP project director and Professor in the Department of Horticulture at Michigan State University specializing in reproductive development in Cucumis; regulation of sex-expression; disease resistance; biotechnology biosafety; & cucurbit genomics. Members of the MSU Cucumber breeding team include Ben Mansfeld and Sue A. Hammar.
Bay Thumb Vegetable Meeting
CucCAP presentations at January Events
CucCAP Extension presentation at the Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association of Delaware annual meeting – January 8 – 11, 2018 Dr. Jonathan Schultheis will present: “Melon Varieties; Orange Flesh and Various Specialty Melon Opportunities at the on Tuesday January 9, 2018 in the Fresh market session. Dr. Jonathan Schultheis will present: “Parthenocarpic Pickling Cucumber; Plant Population […]
Genetics and Genomics of Cucurbitaceae
This book provides an overview of the current state of knowledge of the genetics and genomics of the Cucurbitaceae plant family.
Cucumber Team Updates
News from the Grumet lab at Michigan State University Breeding activities focus on fruit development and disease resistance in Cucumis (cucumber and melon) crops using a combination of molecular genetic, genomic and transgenic approaches. The CucCAP team is especially interested in early stages of fruit growth and factors influencing fruit size, shape, cuticle and surface […]
Breeding Efforts in the Grumet lab at Michigan State University
Breeding activities focus on fruit development and disease resistance in Cucumis (cucumber and melon) crops using a combination of molecular genetic, genomic and transgenic approaches. The CucCAP team is especially interested in early stages of fruit growth and factors influencing fruit size, shape, cuticle and surface properties and resistance to infection by the oomycete pathogen, […]