The 2022 annual meeting theme is “Warming Up to Change,” which will explore the profound changes in plant health research, education, and engagement driven by transformations in climate, technology, and society. We will also work together as participants to find the best ways for APS to support plant health research and the careers of plant pathologists in this time of change.
Kousik Lab @ USDA-ARS
Shaker Kousik is a project leader at the USDA-ARS Vegetable Lab in Charleston, S.C. Mihir Mandal and Jennifer Ikerd are members of the Kousik Lab.
Early Career Scientist Spotlight | Bidisha Chanda
Before her current position as a Genetic Purity Lab Manager in the Quality Assurance Department at Sakata Seed America, Inc., in Salinas California, Bidisha Chanda worked for the USDA and conducted research for the CucCAP watermelon team at the US Vegetable Laboratory in Charleston, South Carolina.
CucCAP scientists map QTL for resistance to powdery mildew in melon
Powdery mildew is one of the most important diseases of melon. CucCAP researchers used a densely genotyped melon population to identify QTL associated with resistance in multiple plant tissues.
The 99th Southern Division-APS Annual Meeting
CucCAP researchers develop watermelon breeding lines with broad resistance to Phytophthora capsici
CucCAP researchers developed 5 Phytophthora fruit rot resistant watermelon germplasm lines with high levels of resistance against a broad range of diverse P. capsici isolates collected from across the United States.
Integrated Disease Management Team | 2021 Progress Report
Squash Team | 2021 Progress Report
2021 CucCAP Watermelon Team Publications and Presentations
Watermelon Breeding, Genetics, Genomics, Pathology, and Disease Management Publications & Presentations