CucCAP scientists from the Cornell University research groups of Michael Mazourek and Christine Smart along with Michael Gore’s lab combined linkage mapping and bulked segregant methods for molecular mapping and QTL identification.
Smart Lab @ Cornell University
Christine Smart is a Plant Pathologist and leader of the Smart Lab at Cornell University. the lab contributes to the CucCAP Squash Team and CucCAP Extension team
CucCAP scientists test new squash breeding lines for performance and resistance to Phytophthora crown and root rot
Researchers at Cornell University developed squash breeding lines with increased resistance to Phytophthora crown and root rot.
CucCAP researchers publish articles focusing on Phytophthora
Cornell University scientists Dr. Christine Smart, a plant pathologist and Dr. Michael Mazourek, a vegetable breeder discuss newly developed squash breeding lines and the soilborne oomycete Phytophthora capsici.
Phytophthora roundtable discussion | GLVPN
How can growers living with this devastating disease of cucurbits, peppers and tomatoes produce a harvestable crop? Dr. Smart works on the “Phytophthora farm” at Cornell University, land which is dedicated to researching solutions growers can use to deal with this disease.
Squash Team | 2020 CucCAP Progress Report
Final Progress Report for the CucCAP#1 Squash Team: Michael Mazourek (Cornell University), Linda Wessel-Beaver (University of Puerto Rico), Angela Linares (University of Puerto Rico), and Chris Smart (Cornell University).
Extension Team | 2020 CucCAP Progress Report
Team members Jonathan Schultheis (NC State University), Mary Hausbeck (Michigan State University), Angela Linares (University of Puerto Rico), Jim McCreight (USDA, ARS), Lina Quesada (NC State University), and Chris Smart (Cornell University) developed a centralized cucurbit disease website, developed and posted diagnostic resources and disease control information, provided diagnostic and disease management assistance, conducted field days, cucurbit variety trials, and disease demonstration plots.
CucCAP researchers provide updated disease control information for cucurbit growers
CucCAP Vegetable Pathology and Crop Production Extension Specialists published plant disease management reports and Cucurbit cultigen evaluations from recent field trials. These reports provide valuable information for cucurbit crop producers, seed companies and other CucCAP stakeholders.