Integrated Disease Management Team | 2021 Progress Report

CucCAP researchers and stakeholders met on October 27, 28 & 29, 2022 to present and discuss the grant’s accomplishments, ongoing research, plans and expectations. Lina Quesada-Ocampo (NC State University), Mary Hausbeck (Michigan State University), Chris Smart (Cornell University), Anthony Keinath (Clemson University), Shaker Kousik (USDA-ARS), Jonathan Schultheis (NC State University), Daniel Tregeagle (NC State University), and Mary Lorscheider (NC State University Extension communicator) reported on the Integrated Disease Management Team’s progress.

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Early Career Scientist Spotlight | Gregory Vogel

This pHD candidate’s CucCAP grant research focused on developing squash breeding lines with some Phytophthora blight resistance and mapping genes involved in disease resistance. His other focus was pathogen population genetics. In CucCAP1 the squash team sequenced and characterized isolates of the causal agent, Phytophthora capsici, from around New York and mapped genes in the pathogen associated with mating type, fungicide resistance, and virulence.

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Squash Team | 2021 Progress Report

CucCAP researchers and stakeholders met on October 27, 28 & 29, 2022 to present and discuss the grant’s accomplishments, ongoing research, plans and expectations. Michael Mazourek (Cornell Univ), Mary Hausbeck (Michigan St Univ), Shaker Kousik (USDA-ARS, Charleston), Geoffrey Meru (Univ Florida), Angela Linares Ramirez (Univ Puerto Rico), and Chris Smart (Cornell Univ.) reported on the Squash Team’s progress.

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