2019 Watermelon Presentations at Southern Region ASHS

NC State Department of Horticulture Watermelon group and the University of Georgia Department of Horticulture Watermelon Breeding group made presentations at the 83rd Southern Region ASHS Watermelon Research Working Group. Watermelon Variety Trials NC State Extension Specialist Jonathan Schultheis and Research Associate Keith Starke conduct annual variety trials on Melon, Pumpkin, Squash, and Watermelon. The Vegetable […]

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83rd Southern Region ASHS

Members of the CucCAP team participating in the Watermelon Research group include Cecilia McGregor and Jonathan Schultheis. Their presentations include: KASPTM Markers for Selection for Fruit Shape in Watermelon (Reeve Legendre & Cecilia McGregor) Standard size watermelon cultivar yield and quality results, North Carolina 2018. (Jonathan Schultheis & Keith Starke) Tissue firmness and Hollow Heart […]

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CucCAP team presentations at Cucurbitaceae 2018

CucCAP plant breeders, pathologists and genomic scientists will present results of their work with cucurbit breeding lines and disease resistance at Cucurbitaceae 2018. On Wednesday, November 14, Rebecca Grumet will be the keynote speaker in the first genomics session with the presentation, The CucCAP Project: Genomic Tools and Resources to Facilitate Breeding for Disease Resistance […]

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Research aimed at stopping gummy stem blight in the greenhouse | VGN

Georgia watermelon growers who have a targeted, informed disease management plan for gummy stem blight disease could save money and lessen the environmental impact of producing this favorite summertime fruit. University of Georgia horticulturist Cecilia McGregor, along with fellow UGA scientists Marin Brewer and Bhabesh Dutta, studies the impact of reduced fungicide use through early […]

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