These factsheets from Cornell CALS can be found on the Cornell Vegetable Program and the Long Island Horticultural Research & Extension Center websites.
CucCAP Project
Contributions to the CucCAP project by the Bioinformatics Team, Cucurbit Crop Breeding Teams, and the Integrated Disease Management Team.
CucCAP researchers review producers’ willingness to pay for new varieties
Stated preference surveys are a relatively new approach to measuring specialty crop producers’ valuation of breeding traits.
CucCAP Bioinformatics team releases version 2 of Cucurbit Genomics Database
Version 2 of the Cucurbit Genomics Database (CuGenDBv2) is up running. The release note was published in April 2022.
PDMR 16 – Plant Disease Management Reports for Cucurbits
PDMR, Volume 16, 2022
Results of 2021 field trials, Published in 2022.
Plant Disease Management reports for cucumbers and squash.
Early Career Scientist Spotlight | Kim Heagy
Kim Heagy is a graduate student working on a Masters degree in the Department of Horticultural Science at NC State University. Kim is a member of the Schultheis Vegetable Production lab which is part of the CucCAP Integrated Disease Management Team.
CucCAP scientists map QTL for resistance to powdery mildew in melon
Powdery mildew is one of the most important diseases of melon. CucCAP researchers used a densely genotyped melon population to identify QTL associated with resistance in multiple plant tissues.
2022 Crop Profile for Cucumber in North Carolina
CucCAP Crop and Disease Management specialists Lina Quesada-Ocampo and Jonathan Schultheis collaborated with other Cooperative Extension specialists in NC to release a new full crop profile for the NC cucumber. The profile details worker activities; production practices, counties, and facts; pests including insects, pathogens, weeds, nematodes, and mites. Each pest is outlined by name (common and scientific), importance, symptoms, chemical controls, products/brands, biological controls, physical controls, and cultural controls.
Powdery Mildew on Watermelon | Land Grant Press
Powdery mildew (caused by the fungus named Podosphaera xanthii was consistently among the most prevalent diseases of watermelon. The first symptoms of powdery mildew on watermelon are yellow spots on the leaves.