Resistance to CYSDV is exhibited by melon PI 313970, a vegetable type melon introduced from India.
Featured Articles
The CucCAP website features recently published articles from the four crop teams, (Cucumber, Melon, Squash, and Watermelon) and the Bioinformatics, Breeding, & Genomics group. Integtated crop and disease management activities, articles and reports are also featured.
CucCAP scientists identify possible sources of resistance to bacterial fruit blotch in watermelon
Bacterial fruit blotch caused by Acidovorax citrulli is a serious disease of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) in the U.S. Currently, there are no varieties resistant to the disease. In a 3-year study, 1452 accessions and cultivars were tested for resistance to fruit blotch at the immature fruit stage, where resistance is most important for growers.
CucCAP researches reveal Phytophthora capsici loci involved in mating type and mefenoxam sensitivity
In this study, researchers at Cornell collected 252 strains of the pathogen from across New York State and sequenced portions of their DNA in order to characterize the genetic structure of the pathogen population.
CucCAP researchers develop high-throughput method for quantification of pathogen growth
Researchers at Michigan State University used a fluorescent isolate of the broad host range pathogen, Phytophthora capsici, to develop a high-throughput, microtiter plate assay for replicated quantification of pathogen growth on plant tissue in real time. This method, which can detect pathogen growth prior to development of symptoms, can assist with screening for disease resistance, mapping of resistance loci, testing efficacy of control measures, or elucidation of fundamental host-pathogen interactions.
CucCAP scientists identify QTL for Phytophthora resistance in squash
CucCAP scientists from the Cornell University research groups of Michael Mazourek and Christine Smart along with Michael Gore’s lab combined linkage mapping and bulked segregant methods for molecular mapping and QTL identification.
CucCAP scientists test new squash breeding lines for performance and resistance to Phytophthora crown and root rot
Researchers at Cornell University developed squash breeding lines with increased resistance to Phytophthora crown and root rot.
CucCAP scientists identify QTL associated with gummy stem blight in watermelon
We identified QTLs associated with gummy stem blight resistance in an interspecific F2:3 Citrullus population and developed marker assays for selection of the loci in watermelon.
CucCAP researchers develop genetic tools and diagnostic guide for cucurbit downy mildew
Plant pathologists from the CucCAP disease management team published two articles focusing on CDM: “Population Analyses Reveal Two Host-Adapted Clades of Pseudoperonospora cubensis, the Causal Agent of Cucurbit Downy Mildew, on Commercial and Wild Cucurbits” & “Diagnostic Guide for Cucurbit Downy Mildew”