CucCAP Vegetable Specialist, Jonathan Schultheis, and the Cultural Management Program in the Horticulture Department at NC State have summarized the results from their 2023 North Carolina and Tennessee Pumpkin Cultigen Evaluation Study.
CucCAP Disease Management Team
The Disease Management Team contributions to the CucCAP project include English and Spanish factsheets about cucurbit crop and disease management strategies including images of disease symptoms for crop producers, articles about cucurbit plant pathology, and articles about the team’s research efforts and accomplishments.
CucCAP scientists study pathogen resistances to watermelon fungicides
Watermelon is affected several pathogens and pests that are frequently controlled by SDHI compounds. Scientists from North Carolina State University compared the sensitivity of the different pathogens to various SDHIs.
Early Career Scientist Spotlight | Hunter Collins
As a Research Assistant and Field Technician in Lina Quesada’s Vegetable Pathology lab at NC State, Hunter Collins finds great value in helping to find methods to better manage diseases in vegetable crops.
Management Strategies of Phytophthora Blight in Cucurbits
The USDA has identified vegetable crops as challenged specialty crops. Cucurbits are important cash crops in the United States. The profitable and sustainable production of cucurbits is severely impacted by the destructive soilborne disease, Phytophthora blight.
Cucumber Disease Survey 2023
CucCAP Agricultural and Resource Economics Extension Specialist Dr. Daniel Tregeagle invites commercial cucumber growers to participate in this 30 minute survey.
Early Career Scientist Spotlight | Kelly Avila
Kelly Avila is a Post Doctoral Researcher and works with CucCAP Plant Pathologist Dr. Lina Quesada in the Vegetable Pathology Lab at NC State University. She chose to work in the Quasada lab because of the focus on Extension, integrated disease management, and genomics.
CucCAP scientists evaluate disease forecasting models for downy mildew control in cucumber
Cucurbit downy mildew is a major threat for pickling cucumber production requiring frequent fungicide applications.
Disease Survey for Cucumber growers
You are invited to take part in a research study. Your participation in this study is voluntary. You have the right to be a part of this study, to choose not to participate, and to stop participating at any time without penalty. The purpose of this research study is to gain a better understanding of grower’s opinions on cucumber varieties.