Leaves infected with cucurbit anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum orbiculare, were submitted to the NCSU Vegetable Pathology Lab and confirmed as positive. Anthracnose can be confused with other foliar cucurbit diseases, such as cucurbit downy mildew, but chemical control is drastically different for different cucurbit diseases. Read more for information on identification and control of cucurbit anthracnose.
CucCAP Disease Management Team
The Disease Management Team contributions to the CucCAP project include English and Spanish factsheets about cucurbit crop and disease management strategies including images of disease symptoms for crop producers, articles about cucurbit plant pathology, and articles about the team’s research efforts and accomplishments.
Phytophthora Diseases Occurring on Fruiting Vegetables in WNC | NC State
As the flooding recedes in western North Carolina, many growers are now reporting losses due to Phytophthora diseases on various vegetable crops including pepper, tomato, cucumber, and other cucurbits.
Watermelon Powdery Mildew Found in South Carolina | NC State
Dr. Anthony Keinath, Vegetable Pathologist at Clemson University in South Carolina, has found powdery mildew in watermelons and issued an alert. Because the pathogen is airborne, we expect that inoculum may also be present in North Carolina. Read the post on the NC State Extension Cucurbits site.
2018 CucCAP Extension and Outreach Team Annual Report
Progress Reports and Work Plans Team members: Jonathan Schultheis (NC State University), Mary Hausbeck (Michigan St. Univ.), Angela Linares (Univ. Puerto Rico), Jim McCreight (USDA, ARS), Lina Quesada (N. Carolina St. Univ.), Chris Smart (Cornell Univ.), Linda Wessel Beaver (Univ. Puerto Rico) reported on their lab’s progress and plans. 3.2. Provide readily accessible information to facilitate disease control […]
2017 Cucurbit Cultivar Evaluations
February CucCAP team Presentations
CucCap team members presented research results at the Southern Region ASHS meeting in Jacksonville, Florida on February 2 – 4. Jonathan Schultheis, leader of the CucCAP extension team and members of the NC State vegetable research group, Elizabeth Indermaur and Keith Starke, presented Galia Specialty Melon Evaluations and Opportunities. Cecilia McGregor, a member of the CucCAP watermelon team […]
New Spanish Fact Sheets on the CucCAP website
The CucCAP team in Peurto Rico authored translations of three Spanish factsheets to be added to the CucCAP website:
Manejo de Phytophthora en Pepino,
Manejo de Phytophthora en Calabaza de Verano y Calabacín, and
Manejo de Phytophthora en cantalupe, melón y sandia
CucCAP researchers present at GLEXPO
Mary K. Hausbeck from MSU Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences spoke about Downy Mildew Prevention and control at the Great Lakes Expo on December 6 in the Pickling Cucumber Session. In the Phytophthora session, Dr. Hausbeck spoke about Phytophthora capsici: Pathogen Biology and Management Strategies.