Sarah Cochran-Murray is a PhD candidate working with CucCAP Plant Pathologist Dr. Lina Quesada-Ocampo in the Vegetable Pathology Lab at North Carolina State University’s Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, as well as the NC Plant Sciences Initiative. Hailing from Reidsville, North Carolina, Sarah focuses her research in the Quesada-Ocampo lab on plant pathology, genomics, and integrated disease management. In addition to the guidance of her major professor, Dr. Lina Quesada-Ocampo her committee members are Dr. Jim Kerns, Dr. Jean Ristaino, and Dr. Anna Whitfield.
Introduce yourself—your background, where you are now, and your current research focus.

Sarah Cochran-Murray PhD Student.
Hi! My name is Sarah Cochran-Murray and I am a second-year PhD student under the guidance of Dr. Lina Quesada in the NC State University Vegetable Pathology Laboratory. I grew up in Reidsville, North Carolina and began my undergraduate degree at NC State University in 2016. I obtained my Bachelor’s in Plant Biology in 2019 and my Master’s degree in Plant Pathology in 2022 at NC State, making me a long-time member of the Wolfpack! My current research is focused on in-field diagnostics to better improve pathogen detection and implementation of management strategies on a grower-by-grower basis.
Why did you choose to work with Cucurbits, plant breeding, plant pathology, genomics, horticulture, agricultural economics or crop production?
I began as an undergraduate research assistant in a field crops pathology laboratory and fell in love with microbiology and plant pathology. During my undergraduate career, I got to see the side of applied plant pathology and gain experience in designing and managing field trials. My Master’s project explored the genomic differences between races of Phytophthora nicotianae, the pathogen responsible for black shank of tobacco. This degree allowed me to gain experience in genomics and venture into the molecular biology side of plant pathology.
What do you hope to accomplish during your time working on the CucCAP grant, and what do you most look forward to in this position?
I hope to develop a molecular diagnostic panel for Phytophtora capsici and evaluate the current understanding of fungicide resistance in the pathogen population. I most look forward to meeting with all of the collaborators and building a larger network of fellow scientists and plant pathologists!
Please provide a brief description of your research.
I am developing a CRISPR/Cas diagnostic assay for Phytophthora capsici to provide growers an in-field resource to diagnose P. capsici spores present in on-farm water sources.
What is your favorite pathogen?
Phytophthora capsici
- Sarah Cochran-Murray in a pepper field.
- Sarah Cochran-Murray doing a poster presentation.
Do you have any social media handles that you want included?
Twitter: @sarah_m_cochran