Call for Papers| 2020 Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative report

In the Fall of 2020, members of the cucurbit community were invited to submit manuscripts for CGC report #43. Editors of the Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative extended the deadline for submitting manuscripts for the 2020 report to February 15, 2021. The cucurbit research community is encouraged to continue to share research, manuscripts, reports, descriptions of new techniques, interesting observations from their regions, or any information that could be of use or interest to the cucurbit genetics and related research communities.   Manuscripts should follow the author style instructions on the CGC website. To date, three manuscripts have been submitted. The CGC committee needs at least three additional manuscripts to be able to publish CGC #43 (2020). Reports and manuscripts should be sent to Amnon Levi, CGC editor and CucCAP Research Geneticist ( ) by February 15, 2021.

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