Tropical pumpkin, Cucurbita moschata. Image provided by L. Wessel-Beaver, University of Puerto Rico.
Breeding, Genetics, & Genomics Publications
- Alzohairy, S.A., R. Hammerschmidt, and M.K. Hausbeck. 2019. Changes in winter squash fruit exocarp structure associated with age-related resistance to Phytophthora capsici. Phytopathology 110:447-455.
- Dhillon, N.P.S., S. Sanguansil , S. Srimat, S. Laenoi, R. Schafleitner, and J.D. McCreight. 2019. Inheritance of resistance to cucurbit powdery mildew in bitter gourd HortScience 54:1013–1016. DOI: 10.21273/HORTSCI13906-19
- Holdsworth, W.L., K.E. LaPlant, D.C. Bell, M.M. Jahn, and M. Mazourek. 2016. Cultivar-Based Introgression Mapping Reveals Wild-Species Derived Pm-0 The Major Powdery Mildew Resistance Locus in Squash. PLOS ONE. e0167715. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0167715
- Krasnow, C.S., and M.K. Hausbeck. 2016. Evaluation of winter squash and pumpkin cultivars for age-related resistance to Phytophthora capsici fruit rot. HortScience 51:1251-1255. DOI: 10.21273/HORTSCI11173-16
- Peng, B., B. Kang, H. Wu, L. Liu, Z. Fei, N. Hong, and Q. Gu. 2019. Detection and genome characterization of a novel member of the genus Polerovirus from zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) in China. Arch Virol 164:2187-2191
- Krasnow, C.S., R. Hammerschmidt, and M.K. Hausbeck. 2017. Characteristics of resistance to Phytophthora root and crown rot in Cucurbita pepo L. Plant Disease 101:659-665. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-06-16-0867-RE.
- LaPlant, K.E., G. Vogel, E. Reeves, C.D. Smart, and M. Mazourek. 2020. Performance and resistance to Phytophthora crown and root rot in Cucurbita pepo lines. HortTechnology
- Zhang, G., Y. Ren, H. Sun, S. Guo, F. Zhang, J. Zhang, H. Zhang, Z. Jia, Z. Fei, Y. Xu, and H. Li. 2015. A high-density genetic map for anchoring genome sequences and identifying QTLs associated with dwarf vine in pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima Duch.). BMC Genomics 16:1101. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-015-2312-8
Breeding, Genetics, & Genomics Presentations
- Alzohairy, S., and M. Hausbeck. Transcriptomic profiling of Cucurbita species to characterize the age-related resistance against Phytophthora capsici. Page 19 in: Proceedings of the 1st International Soilborne Oomycete Conference, Duck Key, FL. Dec. 8-10, 2015.
- Alzohairy, S.A., R. Hammerschmidt, and M.K. Hausbeck. Characterization of the structural basis of winter squash fruit age-related resistance to Phytophthora capsici. American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 526-P, Aug. 5-9 2017.
- Jeon, S., Krasnow, C.S., Bhalsod, G.D., Harlan, B.R., Hausbeck, M.K., Safferman, S.I., and Zhange, W. Control of Phytophthora capsici diseases in greenhouse squash by fast-flow filtration. GreenSys 2019, International Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Management for Innovative Greenhouses, Angers, France, 17 Jun. 2019.
- Kousik, C.S., Ikerd, J.L., and Mandal, M.K. Developing Sources of Resistance in Winter Squash (Cucurbita moschata) to Crown and Root Rot caused by Phytophthora capsici. Proceedings of the 2nd International Soilborne Oomycete conference, Page 39. 2018.
- Krasnow, C., and M. Hausbeck. Using directed fungicide applications to manage Phytophthora fruit rot of processing squash. Page 23 in: Proceedings of the 1st International Soilborne Oomycete Conference, Duck Key, FL. Dec. 8-10 2015.
- Krasnow, C.S., and M.K. Hausbeck. Age-related resistance of Cucurbita spp. fruit to Phytophthora capsici. Phytopathology 106:S1.5. 2016.
- Kousik, C.S., Ikerd, J.L., and Mandal, M.K. New Sources of Resistance to Phytophthora Crown and Root Rot in Cucurbita moschata. CUCURBITACEAE 2018, Davis CA, Page 54. November 12-15, 2018.
- LaPlant, K. and Mazourek M. Introgression mapping of wild species-derived resistance to viruses in Cucurbita. CUCURBITACEAE 2018, Davis CA, Nov. 12-15, 2018.
- Mantooth, K.L., J.L. Ikerd, M.K. Mandal, and C.S. Kousik. Potential sources of resistance to Phytophthora crown rot in Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita moschata. Presented at the Annual meeting of the American Phytopathological Society, San Antonio, TX, 291-P, August 2017.
- Mazourek M., W.L. Holdsworth, C. Hernandez, and K.E. LaPlan. Making up for lost time in Cucurbita molecular breeding.” Plant and Animal Genome Conference. San Diego, CA. 2016.
- Miranda-Vélez, M., L. Wessel-Beaver and J.C.V. Rodrigues. Disease assessment, inference on virus movement, and seedling development in tropical pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) infected with Papaya ringspot virus and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus. Reunión Científica de Estudiantes Graduados, Sociedad Puertorriqueña de Ciencias Agrícolas. May 18, 2018. College of Agriculture, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. 2018.
- Miranda-Vélez, M, L. Wessel-Beaver, J.C. Verle-Rodrigues, and W. Seda-Martínez. Effect of leaf position on the assessment of resistance to Papaya ringspot virus and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus in tropical pumpkin. Proceedings of the 41st meeting of the Sociedad Puertorriqueña de Ciencias Agrícolas. p. 57. Corozal, Puerto Rico, November 18, 2016.
- Miranda-Vélez, M., L. Wessel-Beaver and J.C.V. Rodrigues. Disease assessment in seedlings of tropical pumpkin infected with PRSV and ZYMV. CUCURBITACEAE 2018, Davis CA, November 12-15, 2018.
- Perkins-Veazie, P., J.R. Schultheis, G. Ma, and T. Birdsell. Carotenoid content of butternut squash cultivars following harvest and storage. HortScience. 51(9):S358 2016.
- Perkins-Veazie, P., J. Schultheis, and T. Birdsell. Butternut squash in the south: postharvest quality after curing. SR-ASHS, Jacksonville, FL, February 2018.
- Seda-Martínez, W., M. Miranda-Vélez, L. Wessel-Beaver, and A. M. Linares-Ramirez. Approaches to Phenotyping PRSV and ZYMV Resistance in Tropical Pumpkin. HortScience 45(8):S234. September 21, 2017.
- Seda-Martínez, W., L. Wessel-Beaver and A. Linares-Ramírez. 2018. Effect of two Potyviruses on development and yield of tropical pumpkin. CUCURBITACEAE 2018, Davis CA, November 12-15, 2018.
- Vogel, G., K. LaPlant, E. Reeves, M. Mazourek, M. Gore, and, C.D. Smart. Evaluation of Cucurbita pepo breeding lines with reduced susceptibility to root and crown rot caused by Phytophthora capsici. American Phytopathological Society, San Antonio, TX, 237-P, August 2017.
- Vogel, G., LaPlant, K., Mazourek, M., Gore, M., and Smart, C.D. 2018. Bulked segregant analysis with whole-genome resequencing to map QTL involved in Phytophthora crown and root rot resistance in Cucurbita pepo. Phytopathology 108:S1.1. ICPP, Boston, MA. August 1, 2018.
- Vogel, G., LaPlant, K. Mazourek M., Gore M. and Smart, C. 2018. Next-Generation Sequencing Bulk Segregant Analysis Reveals Multiple Loci Involved in Phytophthora Root and Crown Rot Resistance in Squash. CUCURBITACEAE 2018, Davis CA, November 12-15, 2018.
- Wessel-Beaver, L., and J.C. Verle-Rodrigues. Sources of variation in ELISA tests used to quantify ZYMV and PRSV resistance in Cucurbita moschata. In: Cucurbitaceae 2016. Proceedings of the XIth Eucarpia meeting on genetics and breeding of Cucurbitaceae. E.U. Kozik and H.S. Paris, eds. Warsaw, Poland, p. 170-173. July 24–28, 2016.
Disease Management Publications
- Adams, M.L. and L.M. Quesada-Ocampo. 2016. Evaluation of fungicides for control of powdery mildew of winter squash, Cleveland 2015. PDMR 10: V076.
- Adams, M.L. and L.M. Quesada-Ocampo. 2017. Evaluation of fungicides for control of powdery mildew of winter squash, Cleveland 2016. PDMR No. 11:V112.
- Adams, M.L., H. Collins, and L.M. Quesada-Ocampo. 2018. Evaluation of fungicides for control of powdery mildew of winter squash, Kinston 2017. PDMR 12:V147.
- Adams, M.L., H. Collins, and L.M. Quesada-Ocampo. 2018. Evaluation of fungicides for control of downy mildew of winter squash, Kinston 2017. PDMR 12:V148.
- D’Arcangelo, K.N., M.L. Adams, and L.M. Quesada-Ocampo. 2018. Evaluation of cultivars for control of downy mildew on squash, Kinston 2017. PDMR 12:V151.
- D’Arcangelo, K.N., H. Collins, M.L. Adams, and L.M. Quesada-Ocampo. 2019. Evaluation of cultivars for control of downy mildew on squash, Kinston 2018. PDMR 13: V124.
- Krasnow, C.S. and M.K. Hausbeck. 2017. Evaluation of winter squash cultivars for resistance to Phytophthora root rot, 2015. PDMR No. 11:V028.
- Krasnow, C., Hausbeck, M.K. 2020. Evaluation of fungicides to control Phytophthora fruit rot of winter squash, 2015. Plant Disease Management Reports 14:V108.
- Krasnow, C., Hausbeck, M.K. 2020. Evaluation of post-harvest fungicide dips for control of Phytophthora fruit rot of winter squash, 2016. Plant Disease Management Reports 14:V109.
- Krasnow, C., Hausbeck, M.K. 2020. Evaluation of fungicides to control Phytophthora fruit rot of winter squash, 2016. Plant Disease Management Reports 14:V110.
- Lange, H.W., C.D. Smart, and A.J. Seaman. 2017. Evaluation of materials allowed for organic production on powdery mildew of zucchini, 2016. PDMR 11:V013.