The CucCAP melon team is breeding melons for disease resistance to Powdery mildew, Fusarium wilt, and Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus.
Wintermantel Lab @ USDA-ARS in Salinas
As a Research Plant Pathologist at USDA-ARS in the Salinas, California Area, his research focuses predominantly on insect-transmitted and soil-borne viruses; member of the CucCAP Melon Team.
Cucurbit virus disease management resources for growers
USDA-ARS plant pathologist, Bill Wintermantel, collaborated with Mississippi State University Extension to publish information about cucurbit viruses including a video presentation, a factsheet and articles for cucurbit producers.
Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 42
CucCAP scientists and other researchers authored reports in the 2019 Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative (CGC) report which was published in September 2020.
Plant Health Exchange | Focus on Cucurbits
The Plant Management Network (PMN) has been redesigned and is now an online resource called, The Grow: Plant Health Exchange. This is an outreach service of The American Phytopathological Society.
Whitefly-Transmitted Yellowing Viruses of Cucurbit Crops | APS
This webcast describes differences in symptoms caused by the whitefly-transmitted viruses known to infect U.S. cucurbit crops and discusses the importance of early virus identification, insect control, and management of weed and alternate crop host plants, as well as the potential for use of resistant varieties.
2020 ASHS Annual Virtual Conference
Presentations from CucCAP researchers address cucumber breeding, melon pathogens, and watermelon production. Phenotypic Analysis of the U.S. Cucumber PI Core Collection for Fruit Morphological Diversity Ying-Chen Lin, Yiqun Weng, University of Wisconsin and Rebecca Grumet, Michigan State University Continue Reading QTL-Seq of Young Fruit Resistance to Phytophthora Capsici in Cucumber Ying-Chen Lin and Rebecca Grumet, […]
Yellowing Viruses in Cucurbit Crops
In cucurbit crops, most of the viruses known to cause economically important diseases are transmitted by insects, and many induce foliar yellowing symptoms. These are known as “yellowing viruses.” Most yellowing viruses are transmitted by whiteflies, although at least one is transmitted by aphids.