Links of Interest Department of Horticulture Diagnostics Pest Management Events People Dr. Mary Hausbeck, Vegetable Disease management & Extension specialist Dr. Rebecca Grumet, Professor of Horticulture specializing in Molecular genetics of plant development and disease resistance.
Grumet Lab @ MSU
Rebecca Grumet: CucCAP project director and Professor in the Department of Horticulture at Michigan State University specializing in reproductive development in Cucumis; regulation of sex-expression; disease resistance; biotechnology biosafety; & cucurbit genomics. Members of the MSU Cucumber breeding team include Ben Mansfeld and Sue A. Hammar.
Breeding Cucumber for Disease Resistance
Cucumis sativus Cucumber breeding and genetics Downy Mildew Phytophthora fruit rot Cucumber Breeding Team Yiqun Weng,, USDA-ARS , University of Wisconsin – (team leader) Rebecca Grumet, Cucumber breeding and genetics Cucumber, Cucumis sativus var. sativus, was originated in the Southern Asia Continent, where highly diverse wild as well as cultivated forms are […]
2016 CucCAP Genomics and Bioinformatics Team Annual Report
Team members: Zhangjun Fei (Boyce Thompson Institute); Umesh Reddy (West Virginia St. Univ.); Amnon Levi (USDA, ARS); Yiqun Weng (USDA, ARS); Michael Mazourek (Cornell University); Pat Wechter (USDA, ARS); and Rebecca Grumet (Michigan State University) reported on their lab’s progress and plans. Objectives Year 1: Develop common genomic approaches and tools for cucurbits. Work in […]
Plant and Animal Genome Conference – PAG XXIV
MSU to lead $6.5 million research on disease resistance in cucurbits | MSU
A national team of 20 scientists led by MSU Horticulture Professor Rebecca Grumet has been awarded $6.5 million grant to accelerate the development of disease-resistant cucurbit crops through leveraging applied genomics. Read More