Mariana Prieto Torres is a graduate student in the Vegetable Pathology Lab at NC State University and is working on a PhD under the guidance of her major professor, Dr. Lina Quesada
Quesada-Ocampo Lab @ NC State
The NC State Vegetable Pathology Lab studies diseases of cucurbit crops to deliver novel and improved disease management strategies to growers in North Carolina and advance knowledge in the field of vegetable pathology.
Southeast Vegetable & Fruit Expo
Plant Health 2022
The 2022 annual meeting theme is “Warming Up to Change,” which will explore the profound changes in plant health research, education, and engagement driven by transformations in climate, technology, and society. We will also work together as participants to find the best ways for APS to support plant health research and the careers of plant pathologists in this time of change.
Cucurbit Disease Management Resources | NC State
The NC State Vegetable Pathology Lab has developed a series of fact sheets describing cucurbit diseases and providing information on how to manage the pathogens causing them. The CucCAP team in collaboration with the Quesada lab developed Spanish translations of these factsheets.
Cucurbit Downy Mildew present in multiple regions
Reports of the presence of Cucurbit downy mildew were published by Plant Pathologists in North America.
CucCAP researchers evaluate disease control options for downy mildew on pickling cucumber
Cucurbit downy mildew (CDM), is an economically significant disease of cucurbitaceous crops in the Eastern United States (US). Cucumbers are particularly susceptible and as a result, disease management of this pathogen relies heavily on fungicide use.
Cucurbit Disease updates | June 2022
On June 1, the CucCAP team observed Cucurbit Downy Mildew on cucumbers in North Carolina and Fusarium wilt on watermelon in South Carolina.
PDMR 16 – Plant Disease Management Reports for Cucurbits
PDMR, Volume 16, 2022
Results of 2021 field trials, Published in 2022.
Plant Disease Management reports for cucumbers and squash.