Plant Health 2022​

The 2022 annual meeting theme is “Warming Up to Change,” which​ will explore the profound changes in plant health research, education, and engagement driven by transformations in climate, technology, and society. We will also work together as participants ​to find the best ways for APS to support plant health research and the careers of plant pathologists in this time of change.

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2022 Crop Profile for Cucumber in North Carolina

CucCAP Crop and Disease Management specialists Lina Quesada-Ocampo and Jonathan Schultheis collaborated with other Cooperative Extension specialists in NC to release a new full crop profile for the NC cucumber. The profile details worker activities; production practices, counties, and facts; pests including insects, pathogens, weeds, nematodes, and mites. Each pest is outlined by name (common and scientific), importance, symptoms, chemical controls, products/brands, biological controls, physical controls, and cultural controls.

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