Get a gameplan for managing Phytophthora rot in zucchini and winter squash grown for Michigan’s processing industry. Our special guest Dr. Chris Smart of Cornell University will team up with Dr. Mary Hausbeck to share real-world management strategies for this disease based on years of research on Phytophthora-infested ground.
The pathogen Phytophthora capsici causes Phytophthora Crown Rot, Phytophthora blight, and Phytophthora fruit rot.
Phytophthora and Downy Mildew Workshops for Vegetable Growers
Phytophthora blight in vegetables and other cucurbits is complicated by the fact that downy mildew may also be a problem. While similar in some ways, Phytophthora blight is different from downy mildew in a number of ways. Phytophthora movement through the air is limited, unlike downy mildew. Phytophthora survives over winter and thrives in hot […]
MSU Agriculture Innovation Day: Focus on Fruit and Vegetable Technologies
Dr. Mary Hausbeck, a member of the CucCAP Pathology team, will present:
Fungicides & Diseases: Managing Diseases for Higher Profitability and a Safer Environment
Phytophthora Diseases Occurring on Fruiting Vegetables in WNC | NC State
As the flooding recedes in western North Carolina, many growers are now reporting losses due to Phytophthora diseases on various vegetable crops including pepper, tomato, cucumber, and other cucurbits.
New Spanish Fact Sheets on the CucCAP website
The CucCAP team in Peurto Rico authored translations of three Spanish factsheets to be added to the CucCAP website:
Manejo de Phytophthora en Pepino,
Manejo de Phytophthora en Calabaza de Verano y Calabacín, and
Manejo de Phytophthora en cantalupe, melón y sandia
CucCAP researchers present at GLEXPO
Mary K. Hausbeck from MSU Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences spoke about Downy Mildew Prevention and control at the Great Lakes Expo on December 6 in the Pickling Cucumber Session. In the Phytophthora session, Dr. Hausbeck spoke about Phytophthora capsici: Pathogen Biology and Management Strategies.
Manejo de Phytophthora en calabaza de invierno y en calabaza
Managing Phytophthora on Winter Squash and Pumpkin, the English version of this factsheet, is available on the Hausbeck Lab website.
Cucumber Team Updates
News from the Grumet lab at Michigan State University Breeding activities focus on fruit development and disease resistance in Cucumis (cucumber and melon) crops using a combination of molecular genetic, genomic and transgenic approaches. The CucCAP team is especially interested in early stages of fruit growth and factors influencing fruit size, shape, cuticle and surface […]