Phytophthora fruit rot is a water mold that attacks the fruits of watermelon plants. It thrives in rainy weather. It not only affects watermelons in the field, but also after harvest.
The pathogen Phytophthora capsici causes Phytophthora Crown Rot, Phytophthora blight, and Phytophthora fruit rot.
Michigan cucurbit report – June 28, 2023
Clade 2 downy mildew spores were trapped in Michigan last week. Phytophthora infested surface waters may be the only source for irrigation in some areas.
Phytophthora capsici in irrigation water
CucCAP vegetable pathologist Dr. Mary Hausbeck discusses how Phytophthora capsici can be introduced to crops when irrigating vegetables with surface water during dry conditions.
2023 Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Convention
Mary Hausbeck: Phytophthora Control: Lessons Learned in Michigan Phytophthora blight is a destructive pathogen that Michigan growers have battled for many years. Learn what works to limit disease and how to move forward after an outbreak.
Early Career Scientist Spotlight | David E. Perla
David Perla is a graduate student in the Department of Plant Soil and Microbial Sciences at Michigan State University and is working on a PhD under the guidance of his major professor, Dr. Mary Hausbeck. David is investigating strategies to manage Phytophthora spp. on vegetables in Michigan.
Dry conditions and disease pressure in South Georgia
Specialty crop growers prefer the current dry weather conditions when producing their crops. They want to apply the water needed which helps avert the buildup of disease pressure.
CucCAP researchers identify QTL for Phytophthora resistance in squash
Scientists at the University of Florida led by Geoffrey Meru characterized resistance to Phytophthora crown rot in PI 181761 and identified a major QTL on chromsome 13. Several SNP markers were designed to target this QTL for marker-assisted selection.
CucCAP researchers develop watermelon breeding lines with broad resistance to Phytophthora capsici
CucCAP researchers developed 5 Phytophthora fruit rot resistant watermelon germplasm lines with high levels of resistance against a broad range of diverse P. capsici isolates collected from across the United States.