In this meeting, Clemson plant pathologist John Mueller will address Guava Root Knot Nematode Management, while Clemson Extension vegetable pathologist Tony Keinath will give the results of a Cantaloupe Disease Survey. Clemson Extension weed scientist Matt Cutulle will give an Herbicide and IR4 Update, and Ayanava Majumdar, a vegetable entomologist at Auburn University, will talk […]
Keinath Lab @ Clemson University
Meet the CucCAP Cucumber Team
The CucCAP cucumber team is breeding cucumbers for resistance to downy mildew and Phytophthora fruit rot.
Cucurbits sampled for Pythium species
Dr. Keinath published an article of interest to cucurbit researchers focusing on Pythium and cucurbits: Characterization of Pythium Species Collected from a Multiple Time-Point Sampling of Cucurbits in South Carolina.
Plant Health Exchange | Focus on Cucurbits
The Plant Management Network (PMN) has been redesigned and is now an online resource called, The Grow: Plant Health Exchange. This is an outreach service of The American Phytopathological Society.
Cantaloupe diseases present differently than in watermelon | Vegetable Growers News
June was hot and wet with temperatures consistently near 90˚ F and many areas getting close to 10 inches of rain, but it followed a May that was hot and dry with temperatures up to 100˚ F. That meant less gummy stem blight.
2018 Edisto Watermelon Field Day
Cucurbit Crop Management
An objective of the CucCAP grant is to perform multi-location, multi-isolate trials to improve integrated disease management, assess economic impacts, and provide state-of-the art disease control recommendations. Integrated disease management team Members of the team are extension and research scientists who specialize in agricultural economics, plant pathology and vegetable production. Team members provide cucurbit disease […]
Squash Disease Management
Squash Diseases Downy Mildew: Pseudoperonospora cubensis Phytophthora blight: Phytophthora capsici Powdery mildew: Podosphaera xanthii Virus diseases Disease Management Links Cucurbit Disease Factsheets Diagnosing and Managing Phytophthora on Squash poster Plant Disease Clinics Forecasters Field Extension Trials Extension Publications Extension and Industry Presentations Plant Disease Management Reports Production Guides Vegetable Pathology Programs