Faculty at the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center found watermelon crinkle leaf-associated virus 1 and 2 in several counties.
cucurbit virus
Plant Health 2021 Cucurbit Virus Discussion
On August 3, 2021, the Plant Health 2021 Idea Café hosted a discussion titled,“Emerging Viruses in Cucurbits”. We invite you to join us in a follow-up meeting on Friday, October 1, 2021, from 10 am to 12 pm Central Time to expand on the discussion initiated during Plant Health 2021. This meeting is open to […]
Emerging Viruses in Cucurbits
A brief overview of emerging viruses in cucurbits with input from breeders, entomologists, and producers on how the cucurbit industry can work together to reduce the introduction and spread of viruses and to limit the impact of these viruses in areas where they are present.
Florida vegetable specialist recommend virus prevention strategy
Whiteflies cause feeding injury issues in vegetables and transmit two viruses: cucurbit leaf crumple virus and cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus. Sanitation of vegetable crops susceptible to whiteflies remains a key management strategy for Florida producers.
Managing Whitefly Viruses | VSCNews
Vegetable disease specialists from the University of Georgia discuss viruses affecting watermelon, squash and cucumbers including cucurbit leaf crumple virus, cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus, and squash vein yellowing virus.
Virus Diseases of Cucurbits | Cornell Vegetables
Viruses are among the more common causes of diseases affecting cucurbits in New York. These diseases result in losses through reduction in growth and yield and are responsible for distortion and mottling of fruit, making the product unmarketable.
Whitefly-Transmitted Yellowing Viruses of Cucurbit Crops | APS
This webcast describes differences in symptoms caused by the whitefly-transmitted viruses known to infect U.S. cucurbit crops and discusses the importance of early virus identification, insect control, and management of weed and alternate crop host plants, as well as the potential for use of resistant varieties.
August 19, 2020 Vegetable Production Updates | MSU Extension
Squash, cucumbers, and pumpkins experienced disease pressure from plant viruses, powdery mildew, fusarium, and phytophthora in Michigan during the week of August 13 to 19, 2020.