Reports should be sent via email to Amnon Levi at the USDA,ARS Vegetable Laboratory by March 15th, 2025.
Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative
The Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative website is an organizational vehicle for scientists to share the results of their research and development efforts in the genetics and breeding of species of the Cucurbitaceae crop family. The cooperative emphasizes the free exchange of information and germplasm among members, both public and private.
Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative report #48 | call for papers
Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative report #48 | call for papers
Reports should be sent via email to Amnon Levi at the USDA,ARS Vegetable Laboratory by March 15th, 2025.
Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative report #47
CucCAP scientist Amnon Levi, Linda Wessel Beaver and Todd Wehner are members of the CGC Coordinating Committee. They collaborated with the Cucurbit research community to publish CGC Report 47 for 2024. This report includes the 2024 Watermelon Gene List.
Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative | call for papers
Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative #47 | call for papers
Editors of the Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative are now accepting reports for CGC #47. Reports or manuscripts should be submitted by February 15th, 2024. The CGC committee seeks assistant editors for future CGC reports.
Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative report #46
CucCAP scientists Jonathan Schultheis and Todd Wehner contributed an article about pickling cucumber variety trials to this report. CucCAP scientists Amnon Levi, Linda Wessel Beaver and Todd Wehner are members of the CGC Coordinating Committee. They collaborated with the Cucurbit research community to publish this report.
Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative report #46 | call for papers
Amnon Levi, editor of the CGC requests that members of the Cucurbit research community submit reports for CGC #46 (2022-2023) by February 28, 2023. Author style instructions can be found on the CGC website.