Team members Michael Mazourek (Cornell University), Linda Wessel-Beaver (University of Puerto Rico), Angela Linares (University of Puerto Rico), and Chris Smart (Cornell University) reported on progress made on the CucCAP grant in the previous year.
Smart Lab @ Cornell University
Christine Smart is a Plant Pathologist and leader of the Smart Lab at Cornell University. the lab contributes to the CucCAP Squash Team and CucCAP Extension team
Cuccap Project Develops Extension Fact Sheets for Important Cucurbit Diseases in English and Spanish
The CucCAP extension team developed 16 extension fact sheets to provide useful information for the detection and control of diseases in cucurbits. Thirteen of the fact sheets were translated to Spanish providing important support for the Hispanic farmers’ community.
CucCAP Plant Pathologists conduct Disease Management Workshops
Extension vegetable pathologist Mary Hausbeck was joined by CucCAP plant pathologists Lina Quesada from NC State and Chris Smart from Cornell University for a series of disease management workshops in Michigan.
Winter 2019 Extension Disease Management Workshops
Extension Plant Pathologists Lina Quesada from NC State and Chris Smart from Cornell join Extension Specialist Mary Hausbeck for a series of Phytophthora and Downy Mildew Workshops for Vegetable Growers at Michigan State University.
Phytophthora Workshop for Vegetable Growers
Get a gameplan for managing Phytophthora rot in zucchini and winter squash grown for Michigan’s processing industry. Our special guest Dr. Chris Smart of Cornell University will team up with Dr. Mary Hausbeck to share real-world management strategies for this disease based on years of research on Phytophthora-infested ground.
CucCAP at Cucurbitaceae 2018
Cucurbitaceae is an international conference of cucurbit scientists held every four years in North America. Cucurbitaceae 2018 was hosted by UC Davis in Davis, California. CucCAP was well represented with 14 Co-PIs and 28 lab members in attendance presenting five invited keynote talks, an additional 12 invited talks, and 19 posters.
CucCAP team presentations at Cucurbitaceae 2018
CucCAP plant breeders, pathologists and genomic scientists will present results of their work with cucurbit breeding lines and disease resistance at Cucurbitaceae 2018. On Wednesday, November 14, Rebecca Grumet will be the keynote speaker in the first genomics session with the presentation, The CucCAP Project: Genomic Tools and Resources to Facilitate Breeding for Disease Resistance […]
Cucurbit Crop Management
An objective of the CucCAP grant is to perform multi-location, multi-isolate trials to improve integrated disease management, assess economic impacts, and provide state-of-the art disease control recommendations. Integrated disease management team Members of the team are extension and research scientists who specialize in agricultural economics, plant pathology and vegetable production. Team members provide cucurbit disease […]