Anthracnose is a disease noticed on cucurbits in warm and high moisture conditions. The symptoms are noticed on leaves as necrotic lesions with or without cracked centers.
A group of fungal diseases that affect plants in warm, humid areas; on watermelon symptoms start as small, irregular, dark brown spots on leaves that are ¼ inch in diameter. These spots enlarge, more spots appear, and entire leaves are killed.
USDA AMS Revises Standards for Watermelon
AMS is establishing a total tolerance for anthracnose and decay in the U.S. No. 1 and U.S. No. 2 grades.
Clemson Extension Updates | VSCNews
Clemson Extension Agents Provide Crop Updates | VSC News
“Fall crops are continuing to progress well, though we are continuing to see a fair amount of disease like anthracnose, downy mildew, and bacterial spot due to the recent wet conditions.”
Cucumber Anthracnose Reported in North Carolina | NC State
Leaves infected with cucurbit anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum orbiculare, were submitted to the NCSU Vegetable Pathology Lab and confirmed as positive. Anthracnose can be confused with other foliar cucurbit diseases, such as cucurbit downy mildew, but chemical control is drastically different for different cucurbit diseases. Read more for information on identification and control of cucurbit anthracnose.