CucCap team members presented research results at the Southern Region ASHS meeting in Jacksonville, Florida on February 2 – 4. Jonathan Schultheis, leader of the CucCAP extension team and members of the NC State vegetable research group, Elizabeth Indermaur and Keith Starke, presented Galia Specialty Melon Evaluations and Opportunities. Cecilia McGregor, a member of the CucCAP watermelon team […]
CucCAP Watermelon Team
Watermelon Team contributions to the CucCAP grant including, publications, presentations, and updates about the team’s genomic, breeding and disease management efforts.
Agricultural Research Service presents watermelon disease resistance research to the US Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Agriculture, Dr. Sonny Perdu visited the USDA, ARS, U.S. Vegetable Laboratory in Charleston, SC on August 21st, 2017 and received explanations of watermelon projects funded by CucCAP.
Ag Secretary Digs in on Agency Research at the US Vegetable Lab | RFD-TV
Shaker Kousik shared information about research being conducted on watermelon at the U.S. Vegetable Laboratory (USVL) and details of Dr. Sonny Purdue’s visit to USVL with Sarah Mock, Washington D.C. Bureau Chief for RFD-TV on August, 21, 2017. The interview was aired by RFD-TV and is published on YouTube. View the Video
Ag Secretary Perdue visits the USDA-ARS Vegetable research Laboratory in Charleston, SC
The Secretary of Agriculture doesn’t just advocate for agricultural research, he strives to understand the advances being made. Sarah Mock from the local television station, RFD-TV, traveled with him to the Vegetable Lab in Charleston, South Carolina to learn more. Watch the video of the Agriculture secretaries’ visit.
Screening Watermelon for disease resistance at NC State
NC State Cucurbit breeding team: Wehner Lab at NC State Quesada vegetable pathology lab at NC State Allie Druffel is screening watermelon for fusarium resistance. Watermelon Diseases Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus: Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) Downy mildew: Pseudoperonospora cubensis Fusarium wilt Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum (F. oxysporum) Gummy stem blight Didymella […]
CucCAP Research Studies are under way for 2017
NC State researchers are conducting their greenhouse and lab research for the 2017 growing season. Look for more information soon as the Watermelon breeding and Pathology teams update us with videos of their work. Two members of the NC State research group that you are hearing more about are Allie Druffel and Luis Rivera-Burgos pictured below. […]
Watermelon Fusarium wilt field experiments | NC State
Plant Pathologists from the NC State Vegetable disease lab evaluate watermelon plants for disease resistance.
Talking Biotech: University of Georgia’s Cecilia McGregor on genetics of watermelon | GLP
The first half of this podcast discusses domestication, breeding and stories of where watermelon came from, and where it is going. University of Georgia research professor Cecilia McGregor shares her knowledge of the origins of this crop, along with facts of how it is used around the world. Find a link to the podcast in this […]