Publications from CucCAP scientists Zhangjun Fei and Amnon Levi were highlighted in a recent article from The Global Plant Council.
CucCAP Watermelon Team
Watermelon Team contributions to the CucCAP grant including, publications, presentations, and updates about the team’s genomic, breeding and disease management efforts.
CucCAP research identifies novel genetic source of resistance to Fusarium wilt race 1 in wild watermelon
CucCAP scientists at the USDA-ARS, US Vegetable Laboratory identified a major QTL (qFon1-9) associated with resistance to Fon race 1 on chromosome 9.
2019 Watermelon Presentations at Southern Region ASHS
NC State Department of Horticulture Watermelon group and the University of Georgia Department of Horticulture Watermelon Breeding group made presentations at the 83rd Southern Region ASHS Watermelon Research Working Group. Watermelon Variety Trials NC State Extension Specialist Jonathan Schultheis and Research Associate Keith Starke conduct annual variety trials on Melon, Pumpkin, Squash, and Watermelon. The Vegetable […]
Sandra Branham’s Watermelon Work is Kind of a Big Deal for Seed Companies | Seed World Daily
On location in Davis, California at Cucurbitaceae 2018, we sit down with United States Department of Agriculture postdoctoral research scientist Sandra Branham to talk about her work, why seed companies are taking such an interest in it, and why having to spit out watermelon seed isn’t for her. Read More Listen to the podcast here
CucCAP researchers demonstrate the ability of powdery mildew resistant rootstocks to protect susceptible watermelon scion seedlings
The group determined that bottle gourd rootstocks were effective in imparting resistance to the susceptible watermelon scion and released the two bottle gourd rootstocks that were the most effective in conferring resistance.
Research aimed at stopping gummy stem blight in the greenhouse | VGN
Georgia watermelon growers who have a targeted, informed disease management plan for gummy stem blight disease could save money and lessen the environmental impact of producing this favorite summertime fruit. University of Georgia horticulturist Cecilia McGregor, along with fellow UGA scientists Marin Brewer and Bhabesh Dutta, studies the impact of reduced fungicide use through early […]
UGA research aimed at stopping gummy stem blight in the greenhouse | UGA
Georgia watermelon growers who have a targeted, informed disease management plan for gummy stem blight disease could save money and lessen the environmental impact of producing this favorite summertime fruit. Read more about gummy stem blight on watermelon.
2018 CucCAP Watermelon Team Annual Report
Progress Reports and Work Plans Watermelon Team members: Amnon Levi (USDA, ARS), Shaker Kousik (USDA, ARS), Kai-shu Ling (USDA, ARS), Cecilia McGregor (Univ. Georgia), Pat Wechter (USDA, ARS), and Todd Wehner (North Carolina St. Univ.) reported on team progress and work plans. Overall objectives: Identifying quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with resistance to major and emerging diseases, […]