Watermelon production in the southeastern U.S. is subject to severe crop losses due to several viruses, including squash vein yellowing virus (SqVYV). Gene expression analysis of a resistant breeding line by the Kousik group at the U.S. Vegetable Laboratory Charleston SC, indicated potential involvement of a variety of defensive responses. These findings can assist further functional studies and the development of SqVYV-resistant watermelon cultivars.
CucCAP Watermelon Team
Watermelon Team contributions to the CucCAP grant including, publications, presentations, and updates about the team’s genomic, breeding and disease management efforts.
CucCAP scientists map genetic loci for resistance to low temperature stress in citron watermelon
CucCAP scientists at Clemson University and the USDA-ARS Vegetable Laboratory in Charleston SC screened a collection of citron watermelons for tolerance to low temperatures.
CucCAP scientists develop genomic and pan-genomic resources for bottle gourd and identify novel genes associated with biotic and abiotic resistances
Highly differentiated genomic regions among different populations harbor many genes related to disease resistance and stress tolerance, potentially contributing to their local adaptations.
Watermelon Team | 2024 Progress Report
CucCAP scientists identify resistance loci for Fusarium wilt race 2 in wild watermelon
Genome-Wide Association Mapping and Genomic Prediction of Fusarium Wilt Race 2 Resistance in the USDA Citrullus amarus Collection
CucCAP scientists uncover genetic factors influencing flowering time and fruit yield in watermelon
Scientists at the USDA, ARS, U.S. Vegetable Laboratory in Charleston, SC evaluated the USDA, ARS citron watermelon germplasm collection for flowering time and fruit yield traits under field conditions over two years. They used a “genome-wide association study (GWAS)” to detect genomic regions and molecular (DNA) markers associated with flowering time and fruit yield traits. The new molecular markers will be useful in improving watermelon varieties for early flowering and maturity and yield performance via marker-assisted breeding.
Early Career Scientist Spotlight | Bazgha Zia
Bazgha Zia is a postdoctoral researcher at the United States Vegetable Laboratory in Charleston, S.C. Bazgha’s research includes the development of virus resistant genetic material in cucurbits and identification of novel virus strains.
CucCAP watermelon team | super-pangenome for watermelon
Scientists have constructed a comprehensive ‘super-pangenome’ for watermelon and its wild relatives, uncovering beneficial genes lost during domestication that could improve disease resistance and fruit quality of this vital fruit crop.