CucCAP researchers develop improved detection methods for downy mildews infecting cucurbit crops. Management of cucurbit downy mildew relies on an intensive fungicide program. Timely alerts of appearance of sporangia can help growers to determine need to initiate fungicide sprays. Research by CucCAP scientists developed improved ability to detect airborne sporangia and distinguish among types that infect different kinds of crops. This improved methodology could be used as part of an advisory system to time fungicide applications to protect cucurbit crops.
CucCAP Project
Contributions to the CucCAP project by the Bioinformatics Team, Cucurbit Crop Breeding Teams, and the Integrated Disease Management Team.
Early Career Scientist Spotlight | David E. Perla
David Perla is a graduate student in the Department of Plant Soil and Microbial Sciences at Michigan State University and is working on a PhD under the guidance of his major professor, Dr. Mary Hausbeck. David is investigating strategies to manage Phytophthora spp. on vegetables in Michigan.
CucCAP researchers assemble genomic tools to study the development of giant pumpkin fruit
Cucurbit fruits come in different shapes and sizes, controlled by genes underlying cell size and number. In a recent study, a team at West Virginia State University (WVSU) identified genetic factors underlying the giant fruit size of the mammoth group of Cucurbita maxima. The study elucidated genome diversity and identified single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers associated with genes controlling fruit size. In addition to the genomic toolkit useful for breeding programs aiming at pumpkin fruit traits, this study provides insight into population differentiation and evolutionary origins of rare variants contributing to the giant fruit size of certain pumpkin varieties.
Cucurbit growers support endowment
Growers, packers and producers of cucumber, watermelon and sweetpotato established the Vegetable Pathology Support Endowment on behalf of Dr. Lina Quesada’s vegetable pathology lab at NC State University through Pickle Packers International, Inc. in 2022.
CucCAP scientists genetically map novel sources of resistance to cucurbit downy mildew in watermelon
Watermelon crops are increasingly threatened by infection by cucurbit downy mildew. While there are limited sources of disease resistance within cultivated watermelon, Citrullus amarus can be a valuable source of resistances. CucCAP scientists performed disease resistance screening and whole genome resequencing of 122 C. amarus accessions. Genome wide association analysis of these materials identified several marker-trait associations and candidate genes, providing potential resources for genomics-assisted breeding for resistance to CDM in watermelon.
Early Career Scientist Spotlight | Mariana Prieto Torres
Mariana Prieto Torres is a graduate student in the Vegetable Pathology Lab at NC State University and is working on a PhD under the guidance of her major professor, Dr. Lina Quesada
Protect Against Gummy Stem Blight
It is never too early for watermelon producers in the Southeast to start thinking about management options for gummy stem blight disease. As Clemson Extension vegetable pathologist Tony Keinath puts it, “Early is on time.”
Cucurbitaceae 2022 brings together international cucurbit community
The Cucurbitaceae 2022 conference was held in Naples, Florida on October 30 – November 2. The conference was organized by CucCAP co-PIs Geoffrey Meru from the University of Florida and Cecilia McGregor from the University of Georgia. Researchers and industry representatives from North America, Europe and Asia shared information about cucurbit genomics, breeding, disease resistance and cultivation. CucCAP researchers presented 28 talks and posters.