Researchers studied the new mosaic symptomology and foliar distortion of new growth observed in Arizona and California on melon and watermelon.
Featured Articles
The CucCAP website features recently published articles from the four crop teams, (Cucumber, Melon, Squash, and Watermelon) and the Bioinformatics, Breeding, & Genomics group. Integtated crop and disease management activities, articles and reports are also featured.
CucCAP scientists contribute to international effort to develop genomic search engine for horticultural crops
Dr. Wang and collaborating scientists contribute to an international effort to develop a genomic search engine for horticultural crops.
CucCAP scientists explore biorational fungicides to manage powdery mildew on winter squash
Dr. Elizabeth Indermaur and colleagues at Cornell University describe the concern about the increase on consumer demand for organic winter squash and experiments that evaluatie different fungicide alternatives including biologicals, botanicals, and minerals.
CucCAP scientists examine embryo rescue as approach to increase diversity in cucurbit crops
Dr. Umesh Reddy and colleagues at West Virginia State University describe the principles, applications, and recent advancements in embryo rescue technology to promote crop improvement in cucurbit species.
CucCAP scientists map genetic loci for resistance to low temperature stress in citron watermelon
CucCAP scientists at Clemson University and the USDA-ARS Vegetable Laboratory in Charleston SC screened a collection of citron watermelons for tolerance to low temperatures.
CucCAP scientists develop genomic and pan-genomic resources for bottle gourd and identify novel genes associated with biotic and abiotic resistances
Highly differentiated genomic regions among different populations harbor many genes related to disease resistance and stress tolerance, potentially contributing to their local adaptations.
Sources of resistance identified for Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus in squash germplasm
Researchers at the University of Georgia performed greenhouse trials to verify promising germplasm identified from field studies.
Cucurbit Coordinated Agricultural Project 2024 Annual Meeting
The annual CucCAP conference was held in Salinas California on March 21 and 22, 2024. Thirty-three co-PIs, lab group members, and industry collaborators attended in person with an additional 26 online to share research results, extension and outreach activities, discuss findings, and share challenges and best approaches for research and extension strategies.