Crops: Cucumber, Melon, Pumpkin, Squash, and Watermelon
CucCAP Disease Management Team
The Disease Management Team contributions to the CucCAP project include English and Spanish factsheets about cucurbit crop and disease management strategies including images of disease symptoms for crop producers, articles about cucurbit plant pathology, and articles about the team’s research efforts and accomplishments.
PDMR 11 – Plant Disease Management Reports for Cucurbits
PDMR, Volume 11, 2017.
Results of 2016 field trials, Published in 2017.
Plant Disease Management reports for cucumber, squash, and watermelon.
CucCAP team presentations at Glexpo 2016
Pickling Cucumber Sessions Mary Hausbeck and Katie Goldenhar from Michigan State University, Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences presented Downy Mildew Prevention and Control. Phytophthora Sessions Charles S. Krasnow and Mary K. Hausbeck from Michigan State University, Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences presented Phytophthora capsici: Pathogen Biology and Cultural Management.
Extension Foundation Webinar | Cucurbit Downy Mildew
Managing Cucurbit Downy Mildew in Organic Systems in the Northeast by: Christine Smart of the Department of Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology at Cornell University shared on YouTube Continue Reading
How Downy Mildew Spores Are Monitored | MSU Extension Vegetables
Spore traps are placed in the several sites in Michigan counties for the field season. Each trap operates by continuously pulling in air and all associated particles (spores, pollen, dust, etc.) and impacting them onto sticky tape on a reel inside the trap. The reel with the spores is brought back to the lab where downy mildew […]
PDMR 10 – Plant Disese Management Reports for Cucurbits
PDMR, Volume 10, 2016.
Results of 2014 and 2015 field trials, Published in 2016.
Plant Disease Management reports for cucumber, squash, and watermelon.