CucCAP scientist Bill Wintermantel discusses the status of new virus diseases in the article, Tracking viral diseases in cucurbit crops on page 20 of the April edition of Specialty Crop Grower.
Cucurbit Crop & Disease Management Resources
Plant Disease clinics in the USA, Cucurbit disease forecasters, Field & Variety Trials, Cucurbit Variety Trials, Pest Management, Cucurbit Production manuals & handbooks, Disease diagnosis, Disease outbreaks, Extension news, and Cucurbit Grower news.
South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline | April 8, 2024
📢South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline📢
🍉 Increasing whitefly numbers, squash vein yellowing virus, cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus, and papaya ringspot virus, Powdery mildew, Cucurbit downy mildew 🥒
Bacterial and Alternaria leaf spot confirmed
Favorable Weather for Fusarium pathogen
North Florida watermelon producers have observed Fusarium wilt symptoms in some fields. As the disease develops, plants will exhibit low vigor, wilting during the hottest parts of the day and have a grayish-green appearance.
Managing Fungicide and Irrigation for young Watermelon plants
After watermelon plants are in the ground, a preventative fungicide program every 7 to 10 days along with irrigation management will be necessary for disease management.
South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline | March 2024
Anthracnose has been reported in watermelon plants submitted to Southwest Florida Research & Education Center.
Downy Mildew and Powdery Mildew
CucCAP Plant pathologists discussed cucurbit diseases reported by growers in Growing Produce Magazines’ 2023 State of the Vegetable Industry Survey. CucCAP plant pathologists provided information about Cucurbit Downy mildew and Powdery mildew for this article.
Georgia producers begin planting 2024 watermelon crop
Producers and industry experts will be able to better assess this year’s acreage once all the plants are in the ground. They will once again follow North Florida in the production window.