2023 Hall N.Y. Vegetable Seed Trials: New Pumpkins for the Picking [Videos]
Author: cuccap
Management Strategies of Phytophthora Blight in Cucurbits
The USDA has identified vegetable crops as challenged specialty crops. Cucurbits are important cash crops in the United States. The profitable and sustainable production of cucurbits is severely impacted by the destructive soilborne disease, Phytophthora blight.
South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline | Dec. 3, 2023
Widespread Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV), squash vein yellowing virus (SqVYV), and cucurbit leaf crumple virus (CuLCrV) infestations have been reported on watermelon in multiple locations. Crumple virus and yellow stunt virus are now common in mature watermelon fields with low levels of vine decline.
Gummy stem blight is reaching moderate to high levels in watermelon fields.
Low levels of Anthracnose on watermelons.
Powdery mildew and Downy mildew was reported in cucumber and squash. Downy mildew is expected to increase in melons due to the recent rain.
Cucurbit Variety Slideshows
View an array of squash, pumpkin and melon selections from some of the industry’s top vegetable breeders.
ONvegetables | Vegetable Crop Production Guide for Ontario
OMAFRA’s new Guide to Vegetable Production in Ontario – Publication 839 is now available.
This guide replaces the discontinued Publication 363 – Vegetable Production Recommendations.
Three steps for Powdery mildew management
Components of a good PM management program:
1. Choose PM-tolerant or -resistant hybrids whenever possible to maximize host plant resistance against this disease.
2. Scout for PM beginning mid-summer on the upper and lower leaf surfaces throughout the field and leaf canopy. If even a few colonies are found, treatment should begin immediately and continue until harvest.
3. Know the Fungicide Resistance Action Code (FRAC) or mode of action (MOA) number (found on the label) for each fungicide used on your farm and how to rotate it.
New Standards List for Squash
Zucchini and yellow summer squash that have been engineered to resist certain plant diseases, including zucchini yellow mosaic virus and watermelon mosaic virus, will now have to be identified as “squash (summer, coat protein mediated virus-resistant varieties).” Before, they were identified solely as “squash (summer),” and the new mandate is designed to be more specific.
CucCAP scientists uncover genetic factors influencing flowering time and fruit yield in watermelon
Scientists at the USDA, ARS, U.S. Vegetable Laboratory in Charleston, SC evaluated the USDA, ARS citron watermelon germplasm collection for flowering time and fruit yield traits under field conditions over two years. They used a “genome-wide association study (GWAS)” to detect genomic regions and molecular (DNA) markers associated with flowering time and fruit yield traits. The new molecular markers will be useful in improving watermelon varieties for early flowering and maturity and yield performance via marker-assisted breeding.