Cucurbit diseases reported in South Carolina

Extension Specialists and Agents in South Carolina report current specialty crop conditions in the South Carolina Grower which is shared by Ag Net Media.

Weekly Field Update – 7/18/22

CucCAP Plant Pathologist Tony Keinath reports that gummy stem blight is spreading rapidly on watermelon and he provides spray recommendations. Cooperative Extension agents report Cucurbit Downy mildew and Powdery mildew in several regions of South Carolina.

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Weekly Field Update – 7/11/22

The Watermelon Field Day at the Edisto Research Center in Blackville, South Carolina was held on July 14, 2022. CucCAP plant pathologist, Tony Keinath, discussed gummy stem blight.

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Weekly Field Update – 7/5/22

Cucurbit downy mildew has been reported on cucumbers. Powdery mildew has been reported on cucurbits. Growers in the state have finished the last harvest of their first planting of cucumbers and now are prepping and planting the second crop.

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Charcoal Rot Showing Up in Cantaloupe – 6/29/22

Macrophomina phaseolina is a soil borne fungus that survives as microsclerotia. This disease is more prevalent in hot, dry conditions and is a post-harvest disease in cantaloupes often with no visible external symptoms to the fruit.

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Weekly Field Update – 6/27/22

Downy mildew has been reported on cucumbers and powdery mildew is being reported on squash. With the lack of rain, downy mildew has been spotty and isolated.

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disease symptoms on cucumber leaves