Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Reports #44 & 45

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CucCAP scientist James D. McCreight is a contributor to the 2021 CGC report. He co-authored Development and Availability of a Melon Differential Set for Determination of Virulence Variation of Cucurbit Powdery Mildews (Podosphaera xanthii and Golovinomyces orontii).  Former CucCAP plant breeder, Linda Wessel-Beaver authored Heterosis and Inbreeding Depression Seldom Occur in Tropical Pumpkin in the 2021 report. Amnon Levi and Linda Wessel-Beaver are the 2022 editors of the CGC report.

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report 45 booklet coverThe Cucurbit Genetics Report #45 is a special edition featuring the 2022 Gene List for Melon. Topics include: Host Plant Resistance Genes, Resistance to Viral Diseases, Insect Resistance, Resistance to Fungal Diseases, Oomycete Resistance, Bacterial Disease Resistance, Abiotic Stress Tolerance Genes, Seed and Seedling Genes, Leaf and Foliage Genes, Plant Architecture Genes, Flower Genes, Fruit Genes, Fruit Shape, External Fruit Appearance, and Transgenic Melons.

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