CucCAP Research and Extension progress highlighted in the 2020 Team Report

The CucCAP team met with project stakeholders for their fourth annual progress report in June 2020. The CucCAP project provided the opportunity for 21 research groups from 11 universities and USDA laboratories to collectively engage their expertise in plant breeding, genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, plant pathology, extension and economics to leverage applied genomics to improve disease resistance in cucurbit crops. In the first session, the genomic group presented an overview of progress on the bioinformatics platforms and website, GBS data and analysis, and status of core panels. For each crop team, the meeting agenda included the status for each disease, breeding lines, mapping/QTL, markers, and introgression. Sessions the second day included updates on disease control information and Economic impact or the project.  An overall summary of accomplishments including genomic and bioinformatic tools; germplasm characterization; mapping and markers for disease resistances; breeding materials; and disease control information followed by individual team reports from the  Genomics & Bioinformatics, Cucumber, Melon, Squash, WatermelonEconomics, and Extension teams is presented in the report. Along with a cumulative list of 104 Research Publications, 144 Research Presentations, 212 Extension Resources, and 151 Presentations for Extension & Industry.

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