According to the Southe Florida Pest and Disease Hotline, whitefly levels are high in many crops including watermelon and squash.
Whitefly vectored plant virus
A number of whitefly-transmitted viruses, including cucurbit leaf crumple virus, cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus, cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus, and squash vein yellowing virus, are able to infect and cause losses in cucurbit crops.
South Florida Vegetable Crop report
The South Florida Pest and Disease hotline reported on vegetable pests and diseases in January 2023.
Freezing temperatures help manage whitefly populations
UGA Extension agents explain why warmer weather is not good for farmers with vegetables vulnerable to whitefly damage.
December 2022 South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline
Whitefly populations are building in southwest Florida and have reached high levels in some locations. In Homestead, whiteflies are present in squash, cucumber, and watermelon. In Homestead melonworms are being found in squash, cucumber, and watermelon.
South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline
South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline scouting report for November 22, 2022 including updates on Whiteflies, Aphids, Viruses,
Gummy Stem Blight, and Oomycete Diseases.
Whitefly pressure in Florida | AgNet
Whitefly pressure in Southwest Florida has increased in previous weeks as rains have decreased, according to the South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline.
Whitefly management in cucurbits
Whiteflies migrate from winter vegetables to spring vegetables to agronomic crops. Whiteflies can cause feeding injury issues in vegetables and transmit two viruses: cucurbit leaf crumple virus and cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus. Vegetables like squash, zucchini, cucumber, and cantaloupe are susceptible to these viruses.
Whitefly Populations on Rise in Alabama | AgNet Media
Alabama cucurbit growers are already seeing increased whitefly populations in their fall crops. Whiteflies transmit cucurbit leaf crumple virus can cause severe symptoms on infected plants includine yellowing of leaves, leaf crumpling, plant stunting and overall plant decline. Squash, zucchini, and cucumber are susceptible to viruses transmitted by whiteflies.