The disease primarily impacts cucumbers and watermelons, but other cucurbits can also serve as hosts. Its symptoms consist of leaf spots, defoliation and an occasional fruit lesion. It can also spread in the fruit bins after harvest, which makes it more difficult to control.
Quesada-Ocampo Lab @ NC State
The NC State Vegetable Pathology Lab studies diseases of cucurbit crops to deliver novel and improved disease management strategies to growers in North Carolina and advance knowledge in the field of vegetable pathology.
Downy Mildew reported on Cucumbers
Downy mildew on cucumbers was reported on May 31 in Charleston County, SC and less than a week later CDM was reported in Sampson County, NC
PDMR 18 – Plant Disease Management Reports for Cucurbits
Gummy stem blight management on watermelon, Kinston, NC 2023.
Management of cucumber downy mildew using cultivars and fungicide programs, Clinton, NC 2023.
Chemical management for downy mildew on cucumbers, Clinton, NC 2023.
Cucumber downy mildew management using select fungicides, Clinton, NC 2023.
Early Career Scientist Spotlight | Usha Bhatta
Usha Bhatta is a Post Doctoral Research Scientist working with CucCAP Plant Pathologist Dr. Lina Quesada-Ocampo in the Vegetable Pathology Lab at North Carolina State University, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology and the NC Plant Sciences Initiative. Usha’s hometown is Mahendranagar, Nepal and she focus of her work in the Quasada-Ocampo lab is Plant pathology, genomics, integrated disease management.
Integrated Disease Management Team | 2024 Progress Report
CucCAP scientists study pathogen resistances to watermelon fungicides
Watermelon is affected several pathogens and pests that are frequently controlled by SDHI compounds. Scientists from North Carolina State University compared the sensitivity of the different pathogens to various SDHIs.
New IPM tool for Cucurbit growers
MyIPM for Vegetables provides Integrated Pest Management information for production of vegetable crops including cantaloupe, cucumber, pumpkin, squash, and watermelon.The target audience is commercial growers, farm advisors, and specialists.
Early Career Scientist Spotlight | Hunter Collins
As a Research Assistant and Field Technician in Lina Quesada’s Vegetable Pathology lab at NC State, Hunter Collins finds great value in helping to find methods to better manage diseases in vegetable crops.