Cucumber Anthracnose Reported in North Carolina | NC State

Leaves infected with cucurbit anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum orbiculare, were submitted to the NCSU Vegetable Pathology Lab and confirmed as positive. Anthracnose can be confused with other foliar cucurbit diseases, such as cucurbit downy mildew, but chemical control is drastically different for different cucurbit diseases. Read more for information on identification and control of cucurbit anthracnose.

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Cucurbit Crop Management

An objective of the CucCAP grant is to perform multi-location, multi-isolate trials to improve integrated disease management, assess economic impacts, and provide state-of-the art disease control recommendations. Integrated disease management team Members of the team are extension and research scientists who specialize in agricultural economics, plant pathology and vegetable production. Team members provide cucurbit disease […]

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2018 CucCAP Extension and Outreach Team Annual Report

Progress Reports and Work Plans Team members: Jonathan Schultheis (NC State University), Mary Hausbeck (Michigan St. Univ.), Angela Linares (Univ. Puerto Rico), Jim McCreight (USDA, ARS), Lina Quesada (N. Carolina St. Univ.),  Chris Smart (Cornell Univ.), Linda Wessel Beaver (Univ. Puerto Rico)  reported on their lab’s progress and plans. 3.2. Provide readily accessible information to facilitate disease control […]

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CucCAP Team Fall 2017 Quarterly Newsletter

Presentations at commodity and scientific Meetings: Southeast Vegetable and Fruit EXPO On November 28 and 29, 2017, NC State CucCAP scientists presented research results to members of the vegetable production community. Todd Wehner’s cucurbit breeding group spoke about cucumber germplasm with high resistance to Downy Mildew. Also at this meeting, Jonathan Schultheis’ vegetable production team presented talks […]

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Southeast Vegetable and Fruit EXPO

Presentations include talks by CucCAP Team members: Cucumber Germplasm from NC State with High Resistance to Downy Mildew – Emily J. Silverman and Todd Wehner Watermelon Production Management Considerations; Pollinizer and Grafting Rule – Jonathan Schultheis Integrated management of Cucumber Downy Mildew – Kim D’Arcangelo, Mike Adams and Lina Quesada-Ocampo

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