Phytophthora and Downy Mildew Workshop for Vegetable Growers

Learn the latest research-based strategies for managing cucurbit downy mildew and Phytophthora capsici in pickling cucumbers. Our special guest Dr. Lina Quesada-Ocampo of North Carolina State University—a national leader in research on cucurbit downy mildew-will partner with Dr. Mary Hausbeck to give an in-depth overview of the biology and control of these devastating diseases.

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Scientists Are Fighting For The Stricken Pickle Against This Tricky Disease | NPR

According to USDA records, pickling cucumber acreage declined nearly 25 percent between 2004 and 2015. Globally, downy mildew threatens fields as far flung as India, Israel, Mexico and China. “This is the number one threat to the pickle industry,” says vegetable pathologist Lina Quesada-Ocampo of North Carolina State University. The growers, she says, lose money on failed crops […]

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