Many sources of resistance to diseases such as powdery mildew, downy mildew, Phytophthora rot, and aphid and whitefly transmitted viruses have been identified in related Cucurbita species. Geoffrey Meru and colleagues at University of Florida review the use of genomic tools to identify genetic loci conferring resistance to facilitate more efficient deployment of these materials for breeding.
Meru Lab @ UFL
Squash Team | 2024 Progress Report
View the 2024 Squash Report including all tables and figures in pages 53 – 64 of the pdf version of this report.
USDA grant addresses Anthracnose in Cucurbits
Several CucCAP Team members are collaborating on an important USDA project focused on managing anthracnose in cucurbits. University of Georgia Scientists will lead the team from Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Delaware, New York and the USDA Vegetable Laboratory in Charles, South Carolina.
UF/IFAS plant breeders to release squash cultivars
Geoffrey Meru at UF IFAS Tropical Research and Education Center in Florida and his team have been researching Calabaza’s qualities as a sustainable crop to grow commercially in Florida, Georgia, Alabama and Puerto Rico.
Multistate Effort to Combat Anthracnose
Squash Team | 2023 Progress Report
Early Career Scientist Spotlight | Prerna Sabharwal
Prerna Sabharwal is a graduate student working on her PhD in the Department of Horticultural Sciences at the University of Florida. Her major Professor is CucCAP Squash breeder, Dr. Geoffrey Meru. The focus of Prerna’s research includes plant breeding, plant pathology, and genomics.
CucCAP Squash Team | Research Publications
The CucCAP squash team published 6 journal articles in 2022 & 2023, 7 journal articles in 2021, and 5 journal articles in 2020.