Read about two watermelon diseases that can cause post-transplanting damping-off and plant death in an article from CucCAP sceintist and Clemson Plant Pathologist Tony Keinath.
Keinath Lab @ Clemson University
2023 Vegetable Production Handbooks and Manuals
Land Grant University researchers and Cooperative Extension Specialists collaborate to provide these valuable resources for the vegetable industry. These manuals are updated annually.
Southeast Vegetable & Fruit Expo
Protect Against Gummy Stem Blight
It is never too early for watermelon producers in the Southeast to start thinking about management options for gummy stem blight disease. As Clemson Extension vegetable pathologist Tony Keinath puts it, “Early is on time.”
Cucurbit Disease Treatment Options
Growers have several effective chemical treatment options available for gummy stem blight and downy mildew control.
Plant Health 2022
The 2022 annual meeting theme is “Warming Up to Change,” which will explore the profound changes in plant health research, education, and engagement driven by transformations in climate, technology, and society. We will also work together as participants to find the best ways for APS to support plant health research and the careers of plant pathologists in this time of change.
CucCAP scientist examines economic impacts of reduced fungicide efficacy against downy mildew
Resistance to fungicides is a concern with cucumber downy mildew, Pseudoperonospora cubensis clade 2. These fungicides still suppressed downy mildew well enough that yields of marketable-sized fruit of a susceptible slicing cucumber were much better than not spraying.
2022 Clemson Watermelon Field Day
CucCAP plant pathologist, Tony Keinath, will address gummy stem blight fungus resistance to Tebuconazole.