Symptoms begin as circular yellow areas on the leaves. Growth of the fungus appears as the infection progresses and can be observed on the underside of the leaves. “White powder” can be viewed on both surfaces of the leaves and stems as the tissue decays.
Florida watermelons
Florida Watermelon producers focus on pest and disease management.
Research which focuses on pest and disease management is at the heart of crop sustainability in Florida’s watermelon industry. Two issues that need immediate attention are whiteflies and fusarium wilt in watermelon.
Florida watermelons benefit from UF/IFAS research
Plant disease and water information from University of Florida Extension and researchers helped Florida watermelon farmers grow a bumper crop in 2023. Part of this year’s success came from partnerships between the industry and UF/IFAS research and Extension to provide information on disease management and extended water and nutrient programs, keeping the crops healthy and productive much longer than normal.
Florida watermelon harvest continues
Vegetable variety breeding for the South
Sakata Seed Focused on Florida and the Southeast. El Capitan is a work horse, and it is part of Sakata’s “New Horizon” series of watermelons.
Grower’s should implement preventative program for CDM
Downy mildew symptoms on watermelon tends to be distinct compared to other cucurbits. The symptom start as small yellow spots that becomes dark necrotic.
Spider Mites in Florida Watermelons
Spider mites have been observed in North Florida watermelons. While the pest is a common occurrence in dry weather, most are very isolated and require minimal action on the part of the grower.
Preventitive sprays help hold Powdery Mildew at bay
For producers who are actively scouting for the disease, symptoms start as circular yellow areas on the leaves. As the infection progresses, growth of the fungus appears and can be observed on the underside of the leaves. “White powder” can be viewed on both surfaces of the leaves and stems as the tissue decays.